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Mobile Mapper 6


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I've just been handed one at work and need to set it up to use with one of the laptop computers in our GIS dept.


Out of the box it just seems to me to be a big Windows Mobil handheld device; still downloaind the assoicated MobileMapper site from M's ftp site.


Anything I tricky I concerned about, or anything cool I should try before I handed it back to the department?


There's a resource here, but I'm not sure how much help it will be. It's primarily aimed at creating maps with MMO and getting them on Magellan consumer handhelds.


It's been a long time since I messed with it, but you can import shapefiles, MapInfo files and AutoCAD files using MMO. I think you might be able to get raster imagery into the device with it, but I'm not sure.


Have fun!


Can you let me know if it has the same secret menus as the Meridians?

I've been told it's based on that circuitry.


And can you let me know if the Mobile Mapper software has the ability to pull almanac/ephemeris information off the GPSr and to be able to put it on the GPSr. With particular emphasis on the WAAS/EGNOS satellites.





P.S. Can you tell me how to get one cheap? LOL.

Posted (edited)
Can you let me know if it has the same secret menus as the Meridians?
Nope, nothing in the hardware or firmware is remotely similar to legacy M products.




...can you let me know if the Mobile Mapper software has the ability to pull almanac/ephemeris information off the GPSr and to be able to put it on the GPSr. ....
Seriously doubt it. The PC side of the MobileMapper package lets you do a lot of post-processing on received data, but not for updating the GPS firmware.


Can you tell me how to get one cheap? LOL.
Get a job working with the product? Either on the technical side or a vendor? ;)


ps: after I posted this, I did peek at the invoice. it was around $1300 delivered...

Edited by lee_rimar

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