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Geocoins and Geocoin Etiquette


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I know I'm putting this in the Getting Started forum, because I didn't think an 'how dus dis ting wurk?' topic in the Geocoin Forum would be appreciated.


In the geocoin forum are people usually trustworthy? Individuals are selling them, so they could rip you off and you wouldn't have any way of yelling at them? When I see a post about geocoins, do I just give them my credit card number via the website they provide all willy nilly or do most of them go through paypal?


When people collect geocoins do they activate them or is a person's profile page not reflective of the coins in their collection? What do they do with them afterwards? Look at them and then later stick them in a drawer?


What is an expensive coin? I've bought three for under $10.00, (on the customs form, the person declared one was worth $3.00).


Any other geocoin forum etiquette that I should know before I buy them?

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I would say generally geocacher's are pretty trustworthy people...


For any person-to-person transaction online I generally try to only use something like Paypal where if I don't get the goods I pay for I have a course of action for getting my money back. Furthermore I tend to use my credit card along with using Paypal so that should Paypal be unable to recover my money then I can try and file a claim with my credit card company to get my money back.


imho, everyone's definition of 'expensive geocoin' is different but I think anything > $25 is expensive (not to say they aren't worth it). That said don't release a coin into the wild you aren't prepared to lose...

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When people collect geocoins do they activate them or is a person's profile page not reflective of the coins in their collection? What do they do with them afterwards? Look at them and then later stick them in a drawer?

People collect and trade them like stamps or baseball cards.


So simply to gather dust in closets? Do they activate them or does that prevent them from being able to trade? If you activate one can you UNactivate it?

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There are many threads stickied at the top of this forum that explain etiquette and how the forum works. Thaking the time to review them are greatly appreciated and may give a bit more info. If oyu are unsure, the best thing to do would the to PM one on the moderators and ask them. They will gladly help you as to regards of posting policies


Here is a link to the Geocaching.com Geocoin FAQ.


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There are many threads stickied at the top of this forum that explain etiquette and how the forum works. Thaking the time to review them are greatly appreciated and may give a bit more info. If oyu are unsure, the best thing to do would the to PM one on the moderators and ask them. They will gladly help you as to regards of posting policies


Here is a link to the Geocaching.com Geocoin FAQ.



Sure, I've read the link, and all the stickies, but it's good for another person with the same question. Group dynamics can be very different from rules.

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