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Points for owned cache finds?


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Posted (edited)

I didn't really know how to search for this, so if it's been discussed already, please forgive me.


How about a points system that would award points for other people finding your caches? For example, your first number would be caches found, and a second would be how many times your caches had been found.


Here's some pros.


Incentive for placing more caches.


Points for those of us in areas with very few other cachers (and thus caches).


It's just an idea, probably has been brought up already.


Thanks, soopadoopa

Edited by soopadoopa

I didn't really know how to search for this, so if it's been discussed already, please forgive me.


How about a points system that would award points for other people finding your caches? For example, your first number would be caches found, and a second would be how many times your caches had been found.


Here's some pros.


Incentive for placing more caches.


Points for those of us in areas with very few other cachers (and thus caches).


It's just an idea, probably has been brought up already.


Thanks, soopadoopa

Sounds like incentive to place more NRV parking-lot caches, since those would get the most finds vs. the hike-in-the-woods caches.


And a certain other caching site already uses a points system.


The points don't matter



There are no points in geocaching. There are statistics.

If you display your statistics bar it will show the number of caches you have hidden (actually the number of caches you own) as well as the number of caches you have found. So the site already "recognizes" your contribution of hiding caches. Some of the third party statistics programs will also display a count of your hides. The FindStatGen macro in GSAK even calculates something called your caching karma based on the number of people who find your caches. This sounds like the number you are interested in. I agree with hydnsek that competing to get "points" for having more people find your cache would "reward" hiding quick and easy parking lot type cache over caches that may take a bit of effort to get to or find. Some people like the quick and easy caches but others prefer to have some caches that are more challenging.


There are other ways to encourage more hides in areas with few caches. While TPTB have decided that you can't require someone to hide a cache in order to log a find you can still have "breeder" caches where someone can take a ready to go container from a cache and hide it if they choose to. Or you can have an event and give out cache containers as door prizes - or if there is enough interest, hold an event that is a class on how to camouflage caches or even simply how to hide them.


I didn't really know how to search for this, so if it's been discussed already, please forgive me.


How about a points system that would award points for other people finding your caches? For example, your first number would be caches found, and a second would be how many times your caches had been found.


Here's some pros.


Incentive for placing more caches.


Points for those of us in areas with very few other cachers (and thus caches).


It's just an idea, probably has been brought up already.


Thanks, soopadoopa

I just LOVE this idea! It would encourage geocachers to place large numbers of extremely easy-to-find lame urban in high-traffic areas, to maximize the find count! How WONDERFUL! How AMAZING! How MOTIVATIONAL! This is FANTASTIC and STUPENDOUS! And, this FANTABULOUS idea will also encourage drive-by park-n-grabs, where the cacher does not even need to leave their car! How fun! I am sooo gleeful!


Better, this incentive formula would discourage cachers from hiding those boring old regular or large-sized containers in inconvenient spots, such as wilderness locations which require not only leaving the car, but would require significant hiking, as these caches would tend to receive far fewer visitors! I feel deeply that this AMAZING idea will help to advance our sport into the 22nd century! YIPPEE!
















Gag me with a lame urban micro...

Posted (edited)

I must be living in some sort of vacuum, I keep agreeing with Vinny the last couple of days, :)


I didn't really know how to search for this, so if it's been discussed already, please forgive me.


How about a points system that would award points for other people finding your caches? For example, your first number would be caches found, and a second would be how many times your caches had been found.


Here's some pros.


Incentive for placing more caches.


Points for those of us in areas with very few other cachers (and thus caches).


It's just an idea, probably has been brought up already.


Thanks, soopadoopa


I'd vote for a system that rewards hiders based the highest terrain rating of hidden caches, rather than the most hides. 99% of the time, high terrain rated caches are located in scenic areas, in the outdoors, and spots where the outdoors type like to visit. Since Groundspeak's motto is the "Language of Location" we should have a point system for the cacher that hides caches in the most scenic or awe inspiring spots. 35 micros, in nasty parking lots would be worth -10 on the point scale.

Edited by Kit Fox
:) Go Vinny. It is amazing how people with 29 finds will want to tell people with thousands how to restructure the hobby into a competition. This hobby is about each individual enjoying it in the way they want. For instance I expend energy to find caches in direct proporation to the size. A Regular plus that is a good hike or bike ride get a lot; micros I slow to 10MPH and see if I can grab them as I go by.

Soopadoopa, living a bit west of you I can see what you mean about the small number of caches (I'm wanting to get a bit more experience and a few more reads through the guidelines before i place any) but I'm not sure that what you are suggesting would help. Those cachers in the area who want to hide caches will hide new caches either way. Sadly there just aren't many cachers in the area...which would be the topic of a different thread.


I didn't really know how to search for this, so if it's been discussed already, please forgive me.


How about a points system that would award points for other people finding your caches? For example, your first number would be caches found, and a second would be how many times your caches had been found.


Here's some pros.


Incentive for placing more caches.


Points for those of us in areas with very few other cachers (and thus caches).


It's just an idea, probably has been brought up already.


Thanks, soopadoopa


It's a great idea. The more points, stats, and other ways to enjoy caching the more fun, more folks can have. The coolest part of all is that folks who hate stats can ignore them. It's not like trying to ignore the death penalty when you are the reporter sent to capture the final moments.


There can be points for finding the least found caches. Placing the caches with the longest logs, or least finds, or most DNF's or least DNFs, Finder with the most finds above a mile and so on.


Bring it on.

Posted (edited)

I didn't really know how to search for this, so if it's been discussed already, please forgive me.


How about a points system that would award points for other people finding your caches? For example, your first number would be caches found, and a second would be how many times your caches had been found.


Here's some pros.


Incentive for placing more caches.


Points for those of us in areas with very few other cachers (and thus caches).


It's just an idea, probably has been brought up already.


Thanks, soopadoopa


It's a great idea. The more points, stats, and other ways to enjoy caching the more fun, more folks can have. The coolest part of all is that folks who hate stats can ignore them. It's not like trying to ignore the death penalty when you are the reporter sent to capture the final moments.


There can be points for finding the least found caches. Placing the caches with the longest logs, or least finds, or most DNF's or least DNFs, Finder with the most finds above a mile and so on.


Bring it on.



THIS is the constructive response I was hoping for.


It was just a question. Like I said, there are VERY few caches in my area. I knew there was a reason I hadn't frequented this forum.


ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know what to say or where to start.



"Go Vinny. It is amazing how people with 29 finds will want to tell people with thousands how to restructure the hobby into a competition."------SEE STATEMENT ABOUT THE NUMBER OF CACHES IN MY AREA


I dare ya. Do a search for caches within an hour's drive of 31774.


"I just LOVE this idea! It would encourage geocachers to place large numbers of extremely easy-to-find lame urban in high-traffic areas, to maximize the find count! How WONDERFUL! How AMAZING! How MOTIVATIONAL! This is FANTASTIC and STUPENDOUS! And, this FANTABULOUS idea will also encourage drive-by park-n-grabs, where the cacher does not even need to leave their car! How fun! I am sooo gleeful!


Better, this incentive formula would discourage cachers from hiding those boring old regular or large-sized containers in inconvenient spots, such as wilderness locations which require not only leaving the car, but would require significant hiking, as these caches would tend to receive far fewer visitors! I feel deeply that this AMAZING idea will help to advance our sport into the 22nd century! YIPPEE!"----THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE HELPFUL REPLY



"Gag me with a lame urban micro..." GLADLY-YOUR PLACE OR MINE?



I'm OUT. I don't need you people to enjoy caching.

Edited by soopadoopa
Posted (edited)

WOW Walt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You've found 1155 caches!!! I don't know if there are that many in my state.


AND you've hidden............................................WAIT FOR IT......................................................................................................................................................................................







Joy of joys! Folks give Old Walt a round of applause please!!!! A suuuuuuuuuuuuuper contributor to "THE HOBBY"




Edited by soopadoopa

I'm terribly sorry. i didn't realize that Vinny & Sue Team had already been recognized as


P.S.R. = Pot Smoking Retard!(s) ------see other thread mentioned DOOMSDAY!!!oh no! the sky is falling!!!!!!!!!!!


You won't be addressed any further.

Posted (edited)

Um...bad day?!?!?!



On a personal note...I rather enjoy most of Vinny's posts...(not saying I agree or disagree...just enjoy them)




Just found it odd that Vinny has had some semi-serious posts lately (that have various people saying "ditto" about)...I sort of miss the Vinny Threads like the one I pointed out there...brings a lighter side to the forums...


Edit: To the OP...Try not to take things too personal in the forums...you will have a much better experience. Also, there will be people that agree and/or disagree with you to various levels...just don't take it personal...

Edited by ArcherDragoon

:) Soopa,


You have just as much right to ask a question on these forum as any of these other cachers do and NOT get your head bit off by some people who only want to play the game one way. THE WAY THEY PLAY. :( They THINK they are the majority by stating that all micros are lame and stats are lame, etc... ad nauseum. Don't let it deter you from coming to the forums to ask a question, I hope you can get a respectful answer from someone to help you out.



It's a great idea. The more points, stats, and other ways to enjoy caching the more fun, ....snip


I have no doubt some people would enjoy doing the point/stat thing, obviously they do so now with the cache found/placed stats. (Of course it's no fun when they hit each other over the head with their stats)


I'd have to give it some thought if it would actually add anything to the caching experience. I think hyping up stats is a post-caching kinda thing, and yes I would like to avoid being involved with that part of the social interaction that would occur, should it happen.

Posted (edited)


It's a great idea. The more points, stats, and other ways to enjoy caching the more fun, ....snip


I have no doubt some people would enjoy doing the point/stat thing, obviously they do so now with the cache found/placed stats. (Of course it's no fun when they hit each other over the head with their stats)


I'd have to give it some thought if it would actually add anything to the caching experience. I think hyping up stats is a post-caching kinda thing, and yes I would like to avoid being involved with that part of the social interaction that would occur, should it happen.

We already had stats at one time. The caching world got along just fine. Most people could care less. Some of the ones who could care less about stats, liked being able to see who the noob's where, or where their friends were caching that weekends. The information needed to do stats also lets you do other things that are interesting. My freind and I enjoyed going to the other's town and finding enough caches to be #1 in each others turf. Then rubbing it in. It was easy to play that game when there were 25 caches total in a town. No doubt other things would capture our attention if stats had survived.


Most of the harrasment (other than good natured in a local forum) that I've seen is closer to stalking, and stats don't enable that. It's already built into the stalkers personality.

Edited by Renegade Knight

so i think what the OP is saying is that only people who agree are considered to be constructive?


i hate the idea and i think it would be destructive to the game in general. from where i'm standing, the OP's idea itself isn't constructive, and opinions against it are constructive.


while we do not judge the worth of a player on how many finds they have, we also do not judge the worth of a player on the number of hides they have.


you aren't required to hide any.


SOME people shouldn't hide any at all, given the quality of their hides, and yet we don't forbid them from doing it. SOME people would contribute much more to the game by not hiding lame gladware tossed in a current illegal dumpsite with only a piece of damp notebook paper for a log, and yet we permit them to do so.


there are so many ways to contribute to the game in a positive way that maybe the hiding of caches ought to be left to those who have the knack for it and the desire for it.


otherwise, you might:


write interesting logs

post interesting pictures

maintain other people's caches

really pack out trash instead of paying it lipservice

maintain the trails caches are placed on

leave good trade items

advocate for the sport with land managers


in terms of the OP, s/he has so far recommended a point system that i think will actually HARM the sport and then called all those who don't like the idea obstructionist AND attempted to discount other players on the basis of having found a lot more caches than they hide. oh, and there was that swipe at the forum users.


so far i haven't seen any evidence that holds the OP all that great in the balance of things. the scorecard just doens't look that good from where i'm sitting. i wouldn't mention it, but the OP seems to want players to be judged and scored more than they are.


well, start close to home. that seems fair.

WOW Walt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You've found 1155 caches!!! I don't know if there are that many in my state.


AND you've hidden............................................WAIT FOR IT......................................................................................................................................................................................







Joy of joys! Folks give Old Walt a round of applause please!!!! A suuuuuuuuuuuuuper contributor to "THE HOBBY"




I'm terribly sorry. i didn't realize that Vinny & Sue Team had already been recognized as


P.S.R. = Pot Smoking Retard!(s) ------see other thread mentioned DOOMSDAY!!!oh no! the sky is falling!!!!!!!!!!!


You won't be addressed any further.

Greetings. As one of the friendly global moderators, we try to give a little leway to a newbie (like you) in the forums with a whopping 5 whole posts. I am sure you would not want anyone to belittle you by saying you are "A suuuuuuuuuuuuuper contributor to 'THE FORUMS'". :( You sure set yourself up for that though.


Calling anyone a "pot smoking retard" is a sure way to get an admin brick thrown at you. Considering that I am not far from you, my aim would be pretty good. Please take some time to read the forum guidelines as you post in the future.




Thanks guys for the encouragement. Believe it or not, this is not the first forum that I've used. I guess i just expected a little more courtesy. I don't need the points. I'm not a competetive person, EXCEPT with myself. The few caches i've placed have been really well received, even though two of the four are PAG's. I myself enjoy PAG's especially when we're on vacation or with non cachers who don't want to go hiking looking for some "nerdy goose chase". A number, stat, category, whatever you'd want to call it, would just add to my experience, since I don't and won't ever log thousands of finds. I think surely I'm not alone.


And no, I'm not having a bad day, just believe in treating others as I'd like to be treated. I actually edited my response post to remove some VERY insulting comments.





It's a great idea. The more points, stats, and other ways to enjoy caching the more fun, more folks can have. The coolest part of all is that folks who hate stats can ignore them. It's not like trying to ignore the death penalty when you are the reporter sent to capture the final moments.


There can be points for finding the least found caches. Placing the caches with the longest logs, or least finds, or most DNF's or least DNFs, Finder with the most finds above a mile and so on.


Bring it on.

Isn't this what we already have? It's not an official Groundspeak thing, but one can track all these stats externally? And if not, I'm sure it's relatively simple to add that to another cache stat application.


The best course of action is to leave the system as is. Those who want to track the stats can do, via an external webapp and post on their profile. It's fun, I'll admit, but not for everyone. I get into it a bit, but just enough to post some on my profile. People like caching for different reasons, adding more "official" stats seems like it futher frame the game into a game of just building stats. And create more elitism within the community (e.g. "someone with only 29 caches wants to tell people with thousands of finds...").


Soopa, If one wants to stimulate growth of the game in their area, maybe they could try placing some caches around where they live. And perhaps join the closest geocaching club to try and bring geocachers into their area to explore a bit and get them to place caches. But don't try to frame the game into one of stats, let's keep it open ended and fun for all. This I do know though, one more tirade will most likely get your thread booted. Don't ask a question if don't want to hear the answers.

WOW Walt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You've found 1155 caches!!! I don't know if there are that many in my state.


AND you've hidden............................................WAIT FOR IT......................................................................................................................................................................................







Joy of joys! Folks give Old Walt a round of applause please!!!! A suuuuuuuuuuuuuper contributor to "THE HOBBY"




I'm terribly sorry. i didn't realize that Vinny & Sue Team had already been recognized as


P.S.R. = Pot Smoking Retard!(s) ------see other thread mentioned DOOMSDAY!!!oh no! the sky is falling!!!!!!!!!!!


You won't be addressed any further.

Greetings. As one of the friendly global moderators, we try to give a little leway to a newbie (like you) in the forums with a whopping 5 whole posts. I am sure you would not want anyone to belittle you by saying you are "A suuuuuuuuuuuuuper contributor to 'THE FORUMS'". :( You sure set yourself up for that though.


Calling anyone a "pot smoking retard" is a sure way to get an admin brick thrown at you. Considering that I am not far from you, my aim would be pretty good. Please take some time to read the forum guidelines as you post in the future.




Can't believe i missed this. Also can't believe you think I'm threatened. I began the thread amiably, and got thrashed. Rules or not, I won't be trampled on for asking a simple question.


And I wasn't the one to make that comment about Vinny. It was said in the other thread that was mentioned.


"Considering that I am not far from you, my aim would be pretty good." What does that mean?


Thanks guys for the encouragement. Believe it or not, this is not the first forum that I've used. I guess i just expected a little more courtesy. I don't need the points. I'm not a competetive person, EXCEPT with myself. The few caches i've placed have been really well received, even though two of the four are PAG's. I myself enjoy PAG's especially when we're on vacation or with non cachers who don't want to go hiking looking for some "nerdy goose chase". A number, stat, category, whatever you'd want to call it, would just add to my experience, since I don't and won't ever log thousands of finds. I think surely I'm not alone.


And no, I'm not having a bad day, just believe in treating others as I'd like to be treated. I actually edited my response post to remove some VERY insulting comments.




as far as i can tell, so far you're getting treated better than you deserve in that regard.

Posted (edited)

OK, i'm sorry if i have offended anyone.


I just asked a simple question. And my post was belittled by several.


Some of you are forgetting that without hides, there are NO FINDS. Doesn't matter how you twist it or play the game.


Throwing in the towel.

Edited by soopadoopa

Let's get this topic back on track, OK?


I agree. However I would like to say that the previous stat whacking incident is part of the issue I have with adding more stats to geocaching.



It's a great idea. The more points, stats, and other ways to enjoy caching the more fun, ....snip


I have no doubt some people would enjoy doing the point/stat thing, obviously they do so now with the cache found/placed stats. (Of course it's no fun when they hit each other over the head with their stats)


I'd have to give it some thought if it would actually add anything to the caching experience. I think hyping up stats is a post-caching kinda thing, and yes I would like to avoid being involved with that part of the social interaction that would occur, should it happen.

We already had stats at one time. The caching world got along just fine. Most people could care less. Some of the ones who could care less about stats, liked being able to see who the noob's where, or where their friends were caching that weekends. The information needed to do stats also lets you do other things that are interesting. My freind and I enjoyed going to the other's town and finding enough caches to be #1 in each others turf. Then rubbing it in. It was easy to play that game when there were 25 caches total in a town. No doubt other things would capture our attention if stats had survived.


Most of the harrasment (other than good natured in a local forum) that I've seen is closer to stalking, and stats don't enable that. It's already built into the stalkers personality.

Stats are good. Points and competition may be good or it may have unintended consequences. Most people enjoy geocaching as fun activity. Most people will not start placing hundreds of lame unimaginative micros around town simple to get the most points for hiding caches or for getting the most finds on their caches. But some do and a few others in the geocaching community cry about the game being degraded because of the numbers. I object to any system that tries to motivate cachers by giving out points - whether it is to hid cache that more people can find or to encourage hides in locations that Kit Fox says are worthy and discourage ones he doesn't like. People should hide caches that they would like to find. People should hide caches because they feel they can maintain those cache and because this is one of the ways they want to contribute to the game. I used to object to people who hid cache to keep a certain hide to find ratio, but now I can accept that if someone is motivated to hide caches to keep their own hide/find ratio or geocaching karma at a certain level they are entitled to play that way.


It is clear that not everyone lives in area like I do. There are so many cachers and especially new cachers here that want to hide caches that most people don't need to contribute any cache as there are still more than enough to find. The OP lives in rural area where there are few cachers and few cachers being placed. So I can understand the OP want to find ways to encourage more caches. In my earlier post I suggest a few ways.


(Wow. See what happens when work interrupts. Missed all that forum etiquette stuff)


Let's get this topic back on track, OK?


I agree. However I would like to say that the previous stat whacking incident is part of the issue I have with adding more stats to geocaching.




Let's get this topic back on track, OK?


I agree. However I would like to say that the previous stat whacking incident is part of the issue I have with adding more stats to geocaching.




Curses, foiled again. :(

Posted (edited)

...Isn't this what we already have? It's not an official Groundspeak thing, but one can track all these stats externally? And if not, I'm sure it's relatively simple to add that to another cache stat application. ...


Groundspeak has a simple system. Finds, Caches owned. Done. You can export to a 'stats' site and get your own stats for your own use. But it stops there. It's so incredibly limited, plus it's time consuming. Before Groundspeak pulled the plug on a handy stats site it was all automatic, and non stats info was available.


When we had stats there was actually less complaints about stats than what we get now when someone suggests that stats come back.

Edited by Renegade Knight

OK, i'm sorry if i have offended anyone.


I just asked a simple question. And my post was belittled by several.


Some of you are forgetting that without hides, there are NO FINDS. Doesn't matter how you twist it or play the game.


Throwing in the towel.


Some people give back by hosting events, some give back by sending coins and travelbugs out in the world, some give back by writing great logs which the cache owners always love etc...hiding caches isn't the only way to give back my friend!


For someone who only wants to be treated like you treat others, you sure throw a lot of guff toward others. Some of those posts were actually polite posts disagreeing with you, maybe you didn't want to hear anything but good responses? Not likely in this world, sorry! And....you'll get used to Vinney's posts if you stick around awhile! :(


To the OP....


This topic has been discussed before many times though I haven't done a search for links. It probably doesn't matter anyway as you've already had a good sampling of opinions here.


This topic touches a few raw nerves in the geocaching community:

- changing the game in any way - there's a vocal section of the community that never seem to want any kind of changes

- adding anything that looks like a number or statistics - some people love them, some people hate them - there's a vocal section of the community that doesn't even want discussion about such things

- encouraging people to hide caches - there are some very strong opposition to any proposal to reward hiders.


Unfortunately, even though this is a place for a discussion, lots of threads end up becoming a virtual shouting matches or pages of childish bickering. I remember really disliking the forums when I first started reading them but you get used to it. It's hard when you're the one being shouted at.


My personal 2 cents on the original topic:

I think in most urban areas there probably isn't a real need to encourage more placements. They take care of themselves. I side with Kit Fox on the quality-over-quantity thing (with "quality" being my own personal definition of the word). I understand that in your area there might be a need for more placements.


I don't mind disagreement, I expect it. No one hardly ever agrees with me. Ask my wife. But the incredibly sarcastic and spiteful posts weren't called for. It's as simple as that. And I did recognize and appreciate the constructive feedback.


If you don't have anything to post regarding the original question, please don't post at all. Names have been called, feelings hurt, apoloqies offered. Let's move on to the question please.


To the OP....


This topic has been discussed before many times though I haven't done a search for links. It probably doesn't matter anyway as you've already had a good sampling of opinions here.


This topic touches a few raw nerves in the geocaching community:

- changing the game in any way - there's a vocal section of the community that never seem to want any kind of changes

- adding anything that looks like a number or statistics - some people love them, some people hate them - there's a vocal section of the community that doesn't even want discussion about such things

- encouraging people to hide caches - there are some very strong opposition to any proposal to reward hiders.


Unfortunately, even though this is a place for a discussion, lots of threads end up becoming a virtual shouting matches or pages of childish bickering. I remember really disliking the forums when I first started reading them but you get used to it. It's hard when you're the one being shouted at.


My personal 2 cents on the original topic:

I think in most urban areas there probably isn't a real need to encourage more placements. They take care of themselves. I side with Kit Fox on the quality-over-quantity thing (with "quality" being my own personal definition of the word). I understand that in your area there might be a need for more placements.



this wasn't up when i just posted.

THANKS-you've summed up the situation better than i could have.

Posted (edited)

I must be living in some sort of vacuum, I keep agreeing with Vinny the last couple of days, :(


I didn't really know how to search for this, so if it's been discussed already, please forgive me.


How about a points system that would award points for other people finding your caches? For example, your first number would be caches found, and a second would be how many times your caches had been found.


Here's some pros.


Incentive for placing more caches.


Points for those of us in areas with very few other cachers (and thus caches).


It's just an idea, probably has been brought up already.


Thanks, soopadoopa


I'd vote for a system that rewards hiders based the highest terrain rating of hidden caches, rather than the most hides. 99% of the time, high terrain rated caches are located in scenic areas, in the outdoors, and spots where the outdoors type like to visit. Since Groundspeak's motto is the "Language of Location" we should have a point system for the cacher that hides caches in the most scenic or awe inspiring spots. 35 micros, in nasty parking lots would be worth -10 on the point scale.


"The language of location" doesn't refer to wilderness zones exclusively. There are plenty of cool, near-my-life-blood caches that bring me to places I never knew existed...right in my own backyard! Groundspeak, itself, was a cache location, and it's about as urban as you can get! ;):)

Edited by BoggyWoggy

The only numbers that matter to me are my own. I can manipulate, hash, rehash, slice and dice and do all sorts of wonderful things with my numbers already so I don't think we need to add the functionality to the site itself.


There should be no pressure on cachers to hide caches. Those who enjoy hiding should do so, and do so as often as they want as long as they can maintain all of their hides. Cachers who feel they need to place caches to maintain a hide/find ratio often end up placing caches with little redeeming value, simply to get their numbers up and to look better for "the community".


There may not be a lot of caches around you, but you can hide caches to encourage others to come to the area. If the prolific seekers find an area that is essentially a cache wilderness you can bet they'll rush to fill it. It happens here all the time -- someone discovers a hiking trail or park with no caches so they hide one and before long there are half a dozen caches there.


I'm fully in the "quality" before "quantity" crowd.


"I can manipulate, hash, rehash, slice and dice and do all sorts of wonderful things with my numbers already"


How do you do that? software? I've tried some sort of program (don't remember which) but it was pretty complicated. I do use GSK for exporting data to my GPS.

Posted (edited)

I really do not think that this is a fantastic idea. I moderately agree with Vinny (as her approach was quite extreme). I have actually thought of this many times, and I've come to realize that it's not the best thing for the community. It will encourage a lot of lame caches to be placed and also a lot of pains to the cache reviewers who are trying to make sure they all remain within 600m radius. I think it's best to leave it with the cacher to feel obliged to place a cache when they find a good location that they think would make a memorable cache instead of placing one to beat everyone else. People are going to commend you more for placing a fun, distinctive cache than placing many boring ones. Although this idea may not be the best thing for the geocaching community, people still get rewarded for things like this. I have visited some geocaching websites such as Calgary Area Cachers that recognize come caches that have been found many, many times. Maybe you would like tos tart something like that in your community. I think that this is a better way to recognize cachers with good, successful caches that just adding another Geocaching statistic. On the last note, people can still see how many have found your cache on your cache page and that as itself if you statistic and your personal reward.


Regardless to all of the negative remarks you have had in this thread, your idea is not all that entirely bad, it just has a few minor glitches. You can still make something out of it. Thank you for your contributuion!

Edited by Zac Young

"I can manipulate, hash, rehash, slice and dice and do all sorts of wonderful things with my numbers already"


How do you do that? software? I've tried some sort of program (don't remember which) but it was pretty complicated. I do use GSK for exporting data to my GPS.

The two most popular stats are www.itsnotaboutthenumbers.com and a macro that you can setup and run in GSAK (see results in my profile).


There are other sites, like Deepsouthwest Geocaching http://dgpstats.com/ that establish a point system for the cachers in the area.



I'm OUT. I don't need you people to enjoy caching.

It appears the OP forgot the two basic rules of this forum.


1. Constructive criticism or help is a 50/50 proposition at beast.


2. Normal attire for entering the forum is a flame retardent.


Guess he couldn't take the heat in the kitchen.


I didn't really know how to search for this, so if it's been discussed already, please forgive me.


How about a points system that would award points for other people finding your caches? For example, your first number would be caches found, and a second would be how many times your caches had been found.


Here's some pros.


Incentive for placing more caches.


Points for those of us in areas with very few other cachers (and thus caches).


It's just an idea, probably has been brought up already.


Thanks, soopadoopa

I see no reason or need to have points for people finding my caches but you can feel free to keep your own stats.


And I can't resist saying that I see no need to attack people who disagree with my idea. We can disagree without trying to slam each other.


Every cacher and every area have different and unique circumstances, which to me means the "rules" of geocaching and the numbers associated with it need to be kept as simple as possible.


I vote to stick with 1 find = 1 find and 1 hide = 1 hide. No points awarded for anything else. Oh, and 1 trackable = 1 trackable. :(


At this point I don't think a point system like you suggest could be implemented. If the site was young and had very few caches, I think it could be done. I wouldn't mind one and would like to see what you had in mind. But if it was implement I would like to be able to choose to opt in or out of it.


I kind of think right now it's 1 cache = 1 find (if you found it) and 1 hide = 1 hide and that's your "stats". But that doesn't take into account that not all caches are created equal. Some can be done very quickly and some take alot of time depending on what is all involved (difficutly, terrian, how far is the hike, etc....) How would you narrow down so that one would get more for finding a cache with a 5 mile hike to one that you can park 5 feet away from?


But as TPTB have stated before they have no desire to have to be the "point police" and "geocaching is not a competition". So I doubt anything would be ever put in place.


Some are making referance that gorundspeak used to have a stat page. What was that like. I would like to hear more about what it was.


The formula to calculate your score is




and anyone who disagrees is a poopyhead.




OK, i'm sorry if i have offended anyone.


I just asked a simple question. And my post was belittled by several.


Some of you are forgetting that without hides, there are NO FINDS. Doesn't matter how you twist it or play the game.


Throwing in the towel.


No need to throw in the towel. You've learned that your idea isn't wildly popular, so instead of trying to change the game in what many veterans feel would be a negative way, look at this as an opportunity. At one time every area had no caches. Someone took it upon himself to start placing them and things took off from there. If there are few caches in your area, here it is an opportunity to make a major contribution to the sport by hiding your own.


By doing so you can actually help bend geocaching to your liking in your area. People tend to hide the kinds of caches they find. It's why some areas have mostly micros in parking lots, while others

have mostly regular caches in the woods. In each case some early cache hiders preferred one style, hid a bunch and people after them followed suit.


So if you enjoy regular sized caches that involve walks to area of scenic or historic or other interest, then get out there and start placing them. A hundred bucks will get you 10 Lock n Locks at Walmart, 10 logbooks and pencils at Staples and you'll have a 50 bucks left over for swag to stock them.


If on the other hand you prefer driving from parking lot to parking lot to find lamp post micros, you can get a bag of film canisters from your local photo shop and become the Johnny Microseed of your area.


No caches is an amazing opprtunity, not a problem.

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