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cache along a route


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I am not sure if this is the correct place to ask, if not: please move or close the topic ?


I want to go caching a long a route, so I created a route in google MAPS. Than I figured out I need to recreate the route in google EARTH. And this is where things go hickup.


I want to go from A to B, through / via C. The fastest way from A to B is a straight line, so Google earth plots the route (duh) in a straight line. NOT passing C.


And I can't for the liofe of me figure out how and where and if it is possible at all to re-route in google EARTH.


Question: Can I do a via in Earth ?


If not: can I make 2 routes (.kml) and link the 2 to make one large® route ?


If not again: boohoo 1 sob ! Sob ! Cry !

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I find that I generally don't really want the exact route because it takes every little turn (sometimes I want that but mostly not). So in Google Earth I just create a crude path that goes roughly where I want (In the navigation pane, right-click "Add", "Path"). I save this as kml (not kmz) and upload that. I can get this done in one or two minutes even for long complicated routes (definitely in less time than it takes to fuse several route segments). Instead of a gazillion route points, it has a couple dozen and will be much faster for the system to process.

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