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Technical query-OS grid ref

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Hope you can help?

On my etrex GPS the O/S grid ref is in 10 numbers. But on the O/S site, on the Getamap section the G References are given in the classic 6 number version. Which is fine if one only wants accuaracy to 100m2.

Is there a map resource out there, where by clicking on the map, one can get the full 10 number GR? Which can then be logged into the GPS for navigation.

Thanks :)


I've always used Memory Map to switch between the two - but I only ever do that for puzzle caches anyway (it's easier to play with a single 10 digit number than D M S.)

Not sure you'll find a point and click map online that will convert or give a 10 digit co-ordinate due to the OS's licensing restrictions.

However, if you can get access to your local authority's GIS (on their definitive rights of way map, for example) you might find that the info you need will be visible at the bottom of the screen - although it'll probably be a 12 or 14 digit string.....


It might also be worth noting that if you've the paper map for the area (and if you're walking/geocaching in the area, you probably do), it's possible to construct a vernier romer that will give you an 8-fig ref . . . that brings you down to 10m, which still isn't perfect but rather closer to the limits of the GPS. For example: http://www.outdoorsmagic.com/forum/forumme...es/mps/UTN/5082


Not quite an answer to the same question, but may be of interest?


(Doesn't, of course, do anything to help the highly irritating PITA that is trying to geocache, letterbox and navigate in two different co-ordinate systems at once. Ggggrrrrrr.)


I use nearby.org.uk for quick coordinate conversions. Just copy and paste the WGS'84 coords into the box and click Go. The 10 figure OS grid ref is highlighted in yellow on the results page.


Beware though, that when you convert from WGS'84 to OSGB, you can lose a bit of accuracy normally a couple of metres or so...

Posted (edited)

Another option is to use the free version of EasyGPS - Oops! will TPTB consider this advertising? :)


Using Edit; Preferences... then the 'My Coordinates Format' tab you can add and switch between DMM WGS 84 (geocaching coords) and BNG Ord Srvy Grt Britn (OS coords).


Edited to add: I have absolutely no connection with whoever owns or controls EayGPS, I'm just a grateful user.

Edited by FollowMeChaps

Mapsource does the same too and anyone with a Garmin will already have that. I regularly use it to convert from Irish Grid to Lat/Long and vice versa


Edit >> Preferences >> Units and select whichever you want to use


I change the last digits to 500...s for example 585126 (or 585 126) would become 585500 126500, so as to pop the co-ords in the middle of the square.

Funnily enough I always add 555. Now which is the best, 500 or 555?


"There's only one way to find out........





I change the last digits to 500...s for example 585126 (or 585 126) would become 585500 126500, so as to pop the co-ords in the middle of the square.

Funnily enough I always add 555. Now which is the best, 500 or 555?


"There's only one way to find out........




Spare the fisticuffs chaps - the centre of the square will be @ 499.5-500 for a 10 digit grid ref.


However - do the OS give an approximate ref according to which grid square they're in - or to the closest grid line? The answers are going to be 500 points apart.......

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