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Planning my first cache...


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I'm plotting my first true cache. I have to talk to the people where I want to place it, but I'm quite sure there won't be any problems. I'm likely going to use a decon container as it should fit well in the space I'm looking to place it.


Anyway, I'm debating what kind of things to put in there to start. Being it's not big, I obviously want a log book (I think I'm going to get one of the small ones from Groundspeak), a couple of pencils and a FTF prize. I want to actually make the FTF prize decent, however.


So, I was debating buying one of the FTF coins from Geoswag and then maybe pairing that up with a few small things. Ya know, make the FTF prize something decent.


I'm basically looking for ideas for the FTF prize and maybe a few other things I can drop in this decon container as swag to start -- but I want to make it somewhat decent.


What do all of you use as FTF prizes? For starter swag?


Thanks in advance!

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Krugerrands, definitely krugerrands. :huh:


FTF prizes range from nothing at all to a certificate to a gold dollar to an unactivated geocoin or travel bug dog tag to whatever you want to use. One local cacher always leaves a $2 bill. I've found a few with $5 in them for FTF. Another local cacher just placed his 200th hide and, inside the pirate treasure chest, he put $20 to symbolize 200 pieces of silver (dimes). There is no guideline. Most caches don't have a FTF prize at all.


I've used a gold dollar or a smashed penny or an indian head penny in some micro caches. I've used geocoins in some caches.

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If you're going to use a decon container make sure the seal is waterproof, as they can vary in quality and the lids don't fit well on some of them. Another option would be to use a lock & lock box of similar size, you can get these from most superstores or kitchen shops.


As for FTF prizes, actually getting a FTF is enough of a prize for me, you shouldn't have to tempt cachers to a new cache with valuable swag. One of the coolest FTF prizes I found was a plastic gold medal (I think it may have been from a kids party pack) and it's a good memory of a cool FTF. How about plastic or hand made 1st 2nd and 3rd medals? I've also found FTF certificates which had been designed and printed on computer and laminated.


Use your imagination, signature items, FTF keyrings or badges, a ready to go micro cache maybe?


Have fun! :huh:

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I actually ordered a non-trackable FTF coin today that I'm going to use for one cache I'm planning. Also ordered a FTF pin for another. I have a small series of caches I'm planning and a couple will be regular size and the others will likely be micros in a couple of decent spots.


Thanks for the imput!

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Sometimes I put scratch off lottery tickets in mine with a note on the cache page.

FTF prize is a lottery ticket/tickets that could win you $100,000 or $10,000 or whatever the top prize is. I had one cacher win $50.00 on one I put in a cache.


Don't think I could put a lotto ticket in a cache. If someone won like 100K on it, I'd have a hard time dealing with that knowing it could have been me and got me out of debt!

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