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Predicament and need help!


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Thank you to the folks who are trying to keep this on topic. This is about ONE coin and ONE icon.


It's becoming a bit tiresome to get up every morning just to see what the latest drama is and I'm starting to feel like a broken record when we repeatedly have to warn folks about staying on topic.


From the guidelines:

Keep on topic: Responses to a particular thread should be on-topic and pertain to the discussion. Users should use the New Topic button to start a new discussion which would otherwise be off-topic in the current thread. Threads that are off topic may be closed by the moderator.


Notice the word "may". The other option we have is to either keep people from posting in a particular thread, or to suspend posting rights altogether.


Again, this thread is about Nochipra's coin.

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I was trying to stay out of this thread, mainly because I didn't want to hear about how I was in here defending Coins and Pins, but then I realized that I would be saying this regardless who made the coin.


The simple truth is that a contract was agreed upon which did not guarantee an icon. It's wrong in my opinion to come in and bash any vendor for living up to a contract that the customer agreed to. I'm glad to hear that the icon status was achieved, but this whole topic never should have been here in the first place.


It's also very interesting to read in a variety of threads about how so many say "it's not about the icons, I buy/trade coins because of the coin and design" and then see everyone in here crying because they're not going to get their icon. So, what is it? Is it about the coin or do you need to be honest with yourselves and admit it's about the icon?


It looks to me like it was all very upfront, when you went to pre-order it says right on the page that there will be an icon only if enough are ordered. Perhaps one should think about it before hitting the order button, instead of ordering and then complaining about something that was right there in not so fine print.

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Here is the thing. I'm not pro or con C&P. They produce lovely coins, that are some of my favorites.


NoChipra's post on the subject asked how it should be handled. So she got responses to that. If she just would have said that she needed to sell 19 more, she might not have gotten responses on how we felt it should be handled. But then again, she might have! LOL


Edit to add: I love icons. I also love non-trackables. I love coins in general!

Edited by MustangJoni
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Whoa! I thought the debates were dying down when I went to bed last night but I see they just got worse? We have been having a yard sale all day and I didn't check the forums til now. I hate that all this comotion was stirred up over 19 coins but I didn't realize there was such a rivalry in the forums? I guess I could have described the situation we were in better although I'm not sure how. But, Thanks to some very generous and great people in the forum the problem is solved and we are extremely happy about that:) Thank you all so very much to everyone who purchased this coin. I know it will turn out great and I can't wait to see it.


MODERATORS: Please close this thread before it gets any further out of hand. I would appreciate it:)

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Sorry, FSM, I was closing it at the very same time and didn't get to say what I wanted to add, so reopening it, saying it, and closing it again:


Closed at the OP's request. (by FSM first)

Since this thread was turned into a debate and taken totally off topic, if the OP wishes to open a new thread, all clean and shiny about her new coin, she may do so, and the debates will stay out of it.

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