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how multi-cache works


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Hi - we've never looked for a multi-cache before and would like to try finding one when visiting Croatia next month. From the description of the cache - I just don't get it.


What does: A=1st # in L; B=4th # in D mean?


Will I understand this when I find the first cache (hopefully....) ?


Thanks, Isracacher

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A multi-cache is two or more hides in one cache listing. We've hunted a couple of different types. The first is a micro/ammo box multi. A micro is hidden somewhere--it is simply a tag with the coordinates of an ammo-box in nearby woods. When it's done well, going to the micro takes you somewhere the hider wanted you to see, which is explained when you get to the ammo box.


The second type we've hunted is a puzzle cache, the type you describe. The hider sends you to one or more locations, which are sometimes referred to as virtual caches in the description. At each location, you pick up a piece of information that helps you figure out the coordinates of the actual cache. The last one of these that we hunted took us to the oldest buildings in the village we live in, where we picked up numbers to plug into the final coordinates. The final coordinates sent us to a park bench in a busy park in the center of the village, to find a heavily camaflouged micro without being discovered by the muggles all around us. It was great fun!


I'd guess that in your case, 'A' and 'B' are pieces left out of the coordinates. Whatever 'L' and 'D' are (and you may have to figure this out as well, but they should be at the location you are sent to), you take the specified number from each and replace 'A' and 'B' in the final coordinates.


Have fun!

Edited by imajeep
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Hi - we've never looked for a multi-cache before and would like to try finding one when visiting Croatia next month. From the description of the cache - I just don't get it.


What does: A=1st # in L; B=4th # in D mean?


Will I understand this when I find the first cache (hopefully....) ?


Thanks, Isracacher


If we knew the cache GC????? it would help. But what I think they have their is a simple algebraic word problem. A=1st # in Latitude or Longitude. It all depends on how the cache page is written. And there are usually stages, (waypoints), not caches that lead you to the real cache location.

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Most multis you will get the co-ords to part 1 which when found will give you the co-ords to part two,and on, and on.

But sometimes along the way you may have to physically have to figgure out the co-ords from a puzzle at one of the stages {a sign,or writing on a monument].

In your case you may be looking for a missing number. A=1st# in l may well mean the missng number A you are looking for is the first number in the length of someting .{if you were looking at a sign on a bridge which gave its length}

It would help if you let us know what cache it is

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The multi-cache I'm checking is GCP80V. (see below). I just wanted to know if Point "L" and "D" refer to names of points I should know or just expect that it will be explained when I find the first cache.


I apprecitate everyone's help.




"Zagreb's urban cache with non-urban finish.


First I'd like to say thanks to Mr.Dawor Preis who kindly permited that his work of art participate in this cache.


This cache will take you all over the city for a different perspective, and beyond..

The principle of "revolving" through the "points" is simple: on each point you pick-up 2 bits of data to proceed to the next.

When you arrive at starting point, on the most east pillar in the middle of lanes, search for the thing that "doesn't belong" there. The list of stations is as follows, but before you fly, a note:

If you are on foot (with help of public transport) it might take you pretty long time to finish the cache (whole day?). We suggest at least bikes. Also, since this is an urban cache, and final coords takes you out of the city, all those who comes to semi-final spot and for some reason can't proceed, can be considered as if you found the cache.


1. 45-48.875; 15-51.656 --> A=1ST # in L; B=4TH # in D


2. 45-47.A10; 16-B3.300 --> C=3RD # in D; D=(4TH # in L)+1


3. 45-46.C08; 15-58.0D7 --> E=4TH # in L; F=3RD # in D


4. 45-4E.058; 16-00.F41 --> G=7TH # in L; H=2ND # in D


5. 45-4G.115; 15-59.H71 --> I=5TH # in D; J=(3RD# in L)-(3RD# in D)


6. 45-48.I97; 15-58.5J8 --> K=6TH # in L; L=(1ST # in L)+1


7. 45-48.7K8; 15-58.L53 --> M=7TH # in L; N=4TH # in D


8. 45-48.M07; 15-58.N93 --> P=3RD # in L; Q=(3RD# in D)+(5TH# in D)


9. 45-48.75P; 15-58.Q66 --> R=1ST # in L



45-48.731; 15-58.R22



Now that you are standing in the center of ... turn south and you can't miss house number of a certain embassy. It's an X. Final cache is at:


45-5S.161; 15-5T.420

S=X-1; T=X*2


Easiest aproach to final cache for cars is from 45-51.044; 15-56.337 to north.


We wish you pleasant journey!"



This is


Hi - we've never looked for a multi-cache before and would like to try finding one when visiting Croatia next month. From the description of the cache - I just don't get it.


What does: A=1st # in L; B=4th # in D mean?


Will I understand this when I find the first cache (hopefully....) ?


Thanks, Isracacher


If we knew the cache GC????? it would help. But what I think they have their is a simple algebraic word problem. A=1st # in Latitude or Longitude. It all depends on how the cache page is written. And there are usually stages, (waypoints), not caches that lead you to the real cache location.

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From what I can tell, you are a new geocacher as far as finds go. This is a very difficult (difficulty 4) puzzle cache with many stages. From the logs, it looks like you'll be biking 50 km and it might take several days!


You have never attempted (or placed) a cache of such difficulty before. You might not find this. If that's OK with you, and you understand what you're getting yourself into, then go for it! You will want to carefully look over all of the logs for additional clues. Also take the cache pages with you.


Or, you could go for an easier multi.


Intermediate stages of multis usually just contain the coordinates to the next stage, and that's it. This multi, and some of the others in that area, are actually puzzle caches requiring you to observe or solve something. But there are others that are true multis. Depends on how far you want to drive.


Good luck.

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From what I can tell, you are a new geocacher as far as finds go. This is a very difficult (difficulty 4) puzzle cache with many stages. From the logs, it looks like you'll be biking 50 km and it might take several days!


You have never attempted (or placed) a cache of such difficulty before. You might not find this. If that's OK with you, and you understand what you're getting yourself into, then go for it! You will want to carefully look over all of the logs for additional clues. Also take the cache pages with you.


Or, you could go for an easier multi.


Intermediate stages of multis usually just contain the coordinates to the next stage, and that's it. This multi, and some of the others in that area, are actually puzzle caches requiring you to observe or solve something. But there are others that are true multis. Depends on how far you want to drive.


Good luck.

It looks like everyone who has found it has few finds.


Go for it!

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