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PQ and Searching help (Watchlist)


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Well i became a premium for the benefits i thought i could get for searching.


I just dont understand the PQ and i dont know where to go to understand them.


What if i want to search for GC that are near me that havent been logged for a few months, or havent been found at all.


(Think i figured out the watchlist.)



Edited by knight2000
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Markwell's help site has a great tutorial on setting up pocket queries. See the link in the first post of the FAQ thread over in the "Getting Started" forum.


Are you using third party software such as GSAK or Watcher to work with your query results? If so, the answers to your questions are easy. For caches that haven't been found in months and months, sort by the date last found column and study the results. That's also an answer for caches that have never been found: since that field is blank, unfound caches float to the top of the sort list. You can also order a pocket query that returns only caches that have not been found.

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