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Coin Milage


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I saw a site where it shows the coins with the most mileage. I looked at the first one and it never left the owners hands. It went from event to event and many discovered the coin.


My question is, did the coin travel? The owner traveled but for me the coin hasn't moved, it is still in his/her collection.


Let the opinions come forth? :D

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For me it doesn't count. I want to see a coin that's moved from cache to cache by different people. Maybe they need to create a "discovered" miles section.

Show me a coin that's gone the distance, been left in lots of caches (not just dipped) and been moved by lots of people and then I say it's a true traveller, but hey, that's just me.

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For me it doesn't count. I want to see a coin that's moved from cache to cache by different people. Maybe they need to create a "discovered" miles section.

Show me a coin that's gone the distance, been left in lots of caches (not just dipped) and been moved by lots of people and then I say it's a true traveller, but hey, that's just me.


It's not just you, but I guess this'll bring out the "kicking a dead horse" comments. :)


I agree with you and, I suspect, so do quite a few others. :lol:

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For me it doesn't count. I want to see a coin that's moved from cache to cache by different people. Maybe they need to create a "discovered" miles section.

Show me a coin that's gone the distance, been left in lots of caches (not just dipped) and been moved by lots of people and then I say it's a true traveller, but hey, that's just me.

My point of the post. If I take a trip to China and dip a coin and then bring it back. I don't look at that as the coin traveling. I agree with Hula Bum...show me the coin that was take by one cacher moved arounf China for a while by a bunch of other cachers and then came back. Now that coin has traveled. :lol:

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I have one coin that has got over 6000 miles on it right now it is in germany. it is fun to git emails on it from where it has gone and to look at caches that it goes to that i probably will not ever git to see. that is part of the thrill for me. but on the other hand i have about 70 coins that will only go to events with me so i guess i can go both ways. :lol:

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I have released many coins to travel, and I have coins that I take to events.

Some of the traveling coins get "lost" pretty quick and some travel on.

Not claiming the most just to show some do travel via cachers.


Here is one that has gone from GA to ME, to TX (Geowoodstock) then Germany. Coin seem to move cache to cache in Europe with out getting lost.LOL 9491 miles

GA Stone Mountain Geocoin


Here is one that hasn't left the US 7391 miles.

Long Island Geocoin

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