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New cache Idea

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I was thinking of have a cache like a film container or somthing and have a key in it. the film container would be stuck to the tree or whatever it was on. the key would be on a sting like say 20 feet long and the real cache would be within that area. the key would fit a lock on the cache and then you can open it.



Tell me what you think and if you got any improvments for it. Have you ever sen anything else like this???




Edited by findandhide
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seen two similar but neither had the string, find the main cache then see lock and see co-ords for where the key is hidden. about 50 feet or so away. then have to find that container before you get into cache.


one of these had a keyring containing about 30 keys on it!!! only one was the right one obviously.


good laugh.

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one of these had a keyring containing about 30 keys on it!!! only one was the right one obviously.


If you wanted to use a key, I like that idea. The only bad part is making sure everybody puts the key(s) back to their proper postion. I think most people use combination locks for that reason. Just hide another cache nearby with the combo in that one.

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Oh yes I forgot to mention. I had a normal lock on my shed for a while, but the weather made it darn near impossible to open. Make sure to spend the extra five bucks and get one of those locks that are designed to be outside, and have the cool weather proof case.


And if you choose to use a key, make sure to have lots of copies made. I'm willing to bet somebody would lock the key inside.


Another idea is to have the key / combo float around on a travel bug. That would make things loads harder. But again, somebody might see a travel bug in their cache pouch, and decide to stick it in the cache before locking it. So if you see sombody depositing your TB into your cache, I guess that is a manditory maintenance check.

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This one is similar: GCQFAE only the key is attached to a TB tag which is supposed to stay within caches that are within a 30 mile radius of the cache itself. It was very nicely done.

I wonder what goes through the cache owner's mind when he sees someone deposit the key travel bug into the cache that it opens? :anitongue: It would make for an interesting April Fools joke to falsely log it in as a drop-off, but correct it the next day.

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"I think most people use combination locks for that reason. Just hide another cache nearby with the combo in that one."



Thats a good idea to. I never thought about using a combination lock.




If you could arrange it, make it a puzzle cache where part of the coords are the combo...Get a lock with a 10 button pad where you can set your own combo and make it the YYY in XX deg XX.YYY min. That'd be fun...




P.S. I always giggle like a schoolgirl when I see a forum title "New Cache Idea"


One thing I've learned - New cache ideas aren't. No offense intended, just an observation.

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