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Who else uses the "Find a Cache along a route"?


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I use Garmin mapsource to create a route. I create a route manually using as much as possible points on the route. I then save the route as a .gpx file. I then upload this file to the "create a route" page. I rename it to what I want and then save it. Then I create a pocket query as you will normally create a pocket query. You will then receive the caches along that route you choose.

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Thanks geocacher for alerting me to this feature.

After much trial and error I've figured out how to use Google Earth to create a route:

I used the "Add Path" tool to create a path along the route I wanted. First time round tried to guess the route, but then a friend showed me Tracks4Africa's SA road maps layer, so I could follow those.

So here's my first route:

Cape Town to George on the R62

If anyone wants more detailed explanations on how to do this in Google Earth, let me know.


(And yes, this is my first time contributing to the messageboard, so Hi :laughing: I've been "lurking" for a while)


- Nikki

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I don't use the feature since I build a pocket query using this formula:


500 caches, active, haven't found, don't own, any container, by coordinates: S 32 15.892, E 22 27.405 (near Beaufort West), with radius of 750km.


I run this once a week and get pretty much every part of SA that I will be visiting most often. Gives me CT to Namibia over to Lesotho and south to PE. So I can drive anywhere and find a cache in my corner of the world. :laughing:

Edited by vespax
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