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9/11 Memorial Sites

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There are a few of us working on a "9/11 Memorial Sites" category, the idea came up after this article in the Washington Post Magazine. The category is created and written up, other than coords, picture, Country/State, and description, can anyone think of any possible variables that may need to be included in the submittal form?


The memorial sites are not only nationwide but there are some in other countries as well. Hopefully everyone feels this would be a worthwhile category to help get off the ground.






edit: If/when you read the article, be sure to click the bench photo to see more examples.

Edited by robert
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There are a few of us working on a "9/11 Memorial Sites" category, the idea came up after this article in the Washington Post Magazine. The category is created and written up, other than coords, picture, Country/State, and description, can anyone think of any possible variables that may need to be included in the submittal form?


The memorial sites are not only nationwide but there are some in other countries as well. Hopefully everyone feels this would be a worthwhile category to help get off the ground.


Great idea! This had been in my Waymarking mind, too, so I'm glad someone is working on it.


In your description, try to specify things to include such as type of memorial -- sculpture, plaque, park, etc. and its location -- building, park, roadside, etc. These could be variables, but I think having them included in the description is better.


Variable possibilities:


Sponsoring agency -- private organization, state, city, national governmet, vet organization, etc. Or, this could also just be included in the description.


Date erected/established.


Text of any plaque


Venue/location (such as park, bldg., etc if not in description)


Type (statue, plaque, etc., if not in description)


You might give us a link to your description so we can comment on it more meaningfully. And, I hope you'll put this on open enrollment so interested individuals can join.


Great work!

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Looking at some of the other memorials categories, I've added:

  • Date of Dedication - Simple Date
  • Name of organization that built the memorial - Short Textbox
  • Private or Public Monument? - Dropdown List (Private, Government, Other)
  • Text on the memorial - Multi-line Textbox
  • Website for more information - Web Address or URL
  • Additional coordinates - Additional Longitude/Latitude Coordinate

Not all are required, of course, I'll keep working on it too so we can get this one into peer review.



Edited by robert
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