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I am giving a speech in a college communication class on geocaching. The instructor didn't have a clue what it was when I turned my thesis statement in and he asked what in the world is geocaching? I told him to wait for the speech. I need some sources to include in my outline. Can someone help me with books, articles, where to find them and where to get the source information to include in the outline. All help will be appreciated

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I gave a speech two and a half years ago in a public speaking class on Geocaching. My professor wanted us to learn how to use all the new "technology" while giving our speeches. I had to be hooked up to a belt-clip microphone... I was video-taped... I had to include a Powerpoint presentation... Everyone in the room had to fill out a critique of my speech.. and I had to watch and critique my self on the video tape. But I put a cap on the speech that no one in the room expected.


I took 35mm film canisters, taped magnets to them and put halloween sized Gummi Savers into each container and stuck them under each persons desk. I volunteered to go first so that the other students in the class would have a chance to wander their hands under the desk and find the suprise. At the end of my speech I told everyone to look under their desk "to find a cache of their own." Bonus points were awarded for my unique ending. But on my next speech, everyone was looking for candy again. I had a quick laugh when I told them that my second speech was on identity theft and that I had stolen something from everyone in the classroom.


I bought both the "GPS for Dummies" and "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Geocaching". I got mine at the local Barnes & Noble and Borders Books, since I didn't want to wait for Amazon to ship them.


Looking on Amazon now, I found a few more books that are available.


As for articles, there are all sorts of links to articles posted on the main webpage for geocaching.


Geocaching in the News.


Some of these articles include video clips. If I were to do my speech again, I'd include a quick video, since they were allowed in the class I took.


One of my fellow students was very intrigued with my topic and the week before my speech, I took her out to find the cache that I had hidden on campus. She was going to be absent from class the day of my speech, but she asked that I put the picture of her with the cache in my Powerpoint presentation, for the class to see.



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