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Mapsource Topo Us & Topo 24k

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I have the Mapsource Topo --United states and am curious about the 24K West series.


Has anyone actually compared both of these products? Is there enough difference in features, detail, etc to warrant me purchasing the 24K? I'm mainly interested in the practicality or differences once the maps are downloaded onto my Map76CS.


Comparing the 24K screenshots on Garmin's website to my Topo US, I can't see a whole lot of difference, but I don't know if there are a lot of additional features and capabilities on the 24K series which is much newer . Anyone got both?


Of course, the Topo US has the whole US and the 24K series is split into West, Central, and East areas and includes the NP. I'm only interested in the West.



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If your a hiker, hunter or whatever, odds are that you will be frequently visiting the areas covered by the 24K.

The advantages of 24K is that for whatever location you are, it will give a DEM elevation on the map screen, it has 4x the detail of US topo, and the best feature is that it is routable giving turn by turn directions and also when applicable the option to turn on road or stay on trail.

Garmin claims that with 24K you can show a profile for a route. Only in Mapsource. This falls short since this profile in the unit is not the actual route, but point a to b to c.... or however many points you wish to define a route by.

Also 24K in the diplay mode, the route as described point a, b, etc.; however, only in the navigation mode will be shown as the fully navigable route. US Topo shows only in the display mode if navigation and will be like trying to ride a dead mule if navigation is attempted.

If you want 24K features and don't have to have other coverage areas, 24K is excellent.

US topo has basic features, ie churches, mountain names, streams, trails, lakes, parks, roads without names. US topo not being routable, The best you can achieve is walking in a single direction such as towards a waypoint or feature and is mostly for showing you where you are.

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Of course, the Topo US has the whole US and the 24K series is split into West, Central, and East areas and includes the NP. I'm only interested in the West.


The 24K only has the National Parks and some forests. It does not have any detail outside of these areas. If your looking for just NP's then the 24K has alot more detail.

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