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What County Is This Marker In?


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I am doing some county research. Please look at the datasheet for DG7950 on NGS (it does not exist on GC). When I map the coordinates, it places it in VA. The description says:


The state line is basically east-west, so does that mean DG7950 is in VA or NC according to this statement?

When I do this research, my bottom line questions are:

1. Do the coordinates given on the datasheet agree with the description (not always possible to figure out but usually can)

2. Does the listed county on the datasheet agree with #1 above.


So, these two questions are my questions to the group.


Thanks for your help. :D

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1- Yes. The description seems to generally agree with the station coordinates. In other words, by following roads in my travel software, I could find the station general location. I cannot verify all of the actual road names and actual start/ending location of the SRs, but the description works. There is a boundry mark on the topographic map at approximately 500 meters at 111 dgr from DG7950. Naturally I cannot tell you if it is DG7954 NC VA GRANITE MONUMENT NO 30 with out actually looking at it.


2- No. I would put the mark in Mecklenburg county, VA



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Cheryl and Deb have a County Mapping program they use which NGS has deemed ok to use for determining which county a station is in. They will put the the station coordinates in : NAD 83(1986)- 36 32 43.93860(N) 078 08 17.79911(W) ADJUSTED, and see where it lands, then they will make the judgment from there.


If it seems too close to call, or you feel the software you are using cannot properly discern this, please feel free to email it in to them for determination.



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There is a boundry mark on the topographic map at approximately 500 meters at 111 dgr from DG7950. Naturally I cannot tell you if it is DG7954 NC VA GRANITE MONUMENT NO 30 with out actually looking at it.


The mark on the map is, indeed, Monument #30. See FY0155 for a photo. This also will show you how the roads curve back and forth across the state line.


Marker #30 is one in a series stretching to the Atlantic coast. Over a period of a year, I identified their locations. I recovered some of them, and NCGS used my info to find the ones in the Dismal Swamp. Believe me, that's a job they can have all to themselves! ;)


These granite monuments were quarried in Raleigh and were cut into shape by inmates at Central Prison. If anyone wants more detailed info, ask. There's a lot to tell, but I don't want to get off topic in this thread. NCGS and I have copies of the original notes from the survey party. It's interesting reading!



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RogBarn wrote:


The state line is basically east-west, so does that mean DG7950 is in VA or NC according to this statement?


Okay. We're busted! RogBarn caught North Carolina, fair and square. Good job!


The monument IS in Virginia. Notice that the monumenting agency is NCGS. Along any given line, a certain number of marks is needed north of the line and a certain number south of the line in order to get good triangulation. When you are working along a state boundary, you occasionally need some marks in your neighbor's territory.


If you are setting marks to serve YOUR state, it is not fair to ask your neighbor to incur the expense of setting some marks for your convenience. And even if you did, they would reference in the other state and would not show up in searches for marks in Warren County NC (where they are needed). So you drift across the border and set a few of your own--where you need them, and to your standard.


For our friends in the Commonwealth, we promise never to use these marks as a basis for Adverse Possession (where after a certain number of years, a claim of ownership could be made). The state line is fine, exactly where it stands!


And we DO appreciate your stamping our passports so we can come a-visitin' from time to time! ;)



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