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Etrex Comparision.... A Few Questions


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etrex comparision

was looking at garmin's site about the etrex line, and noticed a few things i wanted to ask someone about. i am wondering in the image, the yellow-vista (black and white units) look slightly larger than the legend C and vista C. is this the case? are the color extrex slightly smaller?

also i noticed that the battery life on the color ones is way better. was wondering if anyone had noticed this and if these values were accurate.

i read lots of posts saying the new color models of the etrex are way better at not loosing signal in the deep woods. if this image is correct and the battery life is true than maybe they are using compeatly differant hardware.

here's another thought, the explorist 400, 500, 600, all use same lithium ion battery, but the 400 is black and white....... do the color ones(500 & 600) batterys last longer than the B&W model??

etrex comparision

Edited by hogrod
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I have an old etrex Yellow and a new Etrex Legend C.


And I would agree with Garmins Battery life stats, the legend last a lot longer.


I went out over the weekend and two days caching the legend has only lost one bar of battery, whereas the etrex would be usual be asking for new set by now.


It is surprising that a colour one uses less batteries, it must be more efficient than the older model.


So yep I think the Legend is pretty cool. :laughing:


Gary (KiwiGary)

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And I would agree with Garmins Battery life stats, the legend last a lot longer.


I went out over the weekend and two days caching the legend has only lost one bar of battery, whereas the etrex would be usual be asking for new set by now.


It is surprising that a colour one uses less batteries, it must be more efficient than the older model.



just wondering if this was with rechargeable or alkaline batterys. also since you have both models, how would you compare the two for signal/accuracy?

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Hi Ya,


The Batteries are Alkaline Batteries.


So far it does seem to hold its signal better, this is only after two days testing. I have noticed it locks onto the sats a lot quicker than the Yellow one.


It still does lose the signal when you go under thick threes, esp when the coverage is wet.


The best to test would if I bought along both and see if one loses the signal quicker.


The legend is a nicer GPS, more features. But for Geocaching the yellow would be fine.


See ya...Gary

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read lots of posts saying the new color models of the etrex are way better at not loosing signal in the deep woods. if this image is correct and the battery life is true than maybe they are using compeatly differant hardware.


Everything I've read said the reception is far better on the color models. Last weekend I had the opportunity to check out a Legend C and it was getting more sats and a stronger signal than a 60CS under heavy tree cover.

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looking at getting a legendC for my girlfriend, and it is great to hear that the reception is Improved. i have only used a etrex legend(regular) one time and i kept loosing signal in a small tree covered ravine. i may have been holding gps wrong or something to.

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