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Downloading From Gsak To Pda

White Hare

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Bought a new PDA in an effort to go paperless and soon thereafter signed up and installed CacheMate in it. My problem is, when I try to download all my cache information from GSAK to my PalmOne, I go to File=> Export=> CacheMate PDB File. Then I hit the Generate button. After emailing back and forth with Clyde and reading the posts in Forum, it sounds like that’s all I should have to do. But all that happens is I get a pop up box that says " You cannot create a file here, that folder does not exist". If I try typing anything, or leave it blank, and hit Generate, I get the same message. I click “OK” to get rid of the box and that the end of it. If any of you have experienced this and/or know the solution, I sure would appreciate hearing from you.

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When I export a file from GSAK, I save it to my desktop. Then I connect my PDA and access my PDA files from my desktop. To do this, I click Start Menu - My Computer - Mobile Device. Then I drag the new file icon from my desktop to my Mobile Device folder and voila, file downloaded.


I don't know if this will work for you, but this is how I do it (I have Windows XP, GSAK, and GpxSonar on my PDA).

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to save to your desktop (in win XP)

C:\Documents and Settings\(your profile name)\Desktop\gsak


the gsak at the end can be replaced with anything that you want for a name. when you are done a pdb file of the same name should be on your desktop. double click it and it should load to your pda at the next sync.


at least that's how it works with my clie (using palm 4)



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Ok - I was having the same exact problem, see the topic called

Talk to me like I'm 4 .


From this I got enormous help. But - what helped the most was Gmail, Once I got Gmail - all my problems were solved. Seriously - all the issues were easy fixes with gmail - it reads gmail and downloads it sooooo easy.


Here's the problem: not just anyone can get Gmail. A member sent me an invite after someone else suggested I use it. Honestly - from that very day I had a new respect for the Cachers in these forums.


Sooooo....now, someone has to invite you to use Gmail (I don't have a clue who or how) but I'm sure someone reading will ablige <_<


I don't know how, but once the gmail was set up - loading to my PDA was a snap. All of my GSAK probs were fixed.

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Here's the problem: not just anyone can get Gmail. A member sent me an invite after someone else suggested I use it. Honestly - from that very day I had a new respect for the Cachers in these forums.


Sooooo....now, someone has to invite you to use Gmail (I don't have a clue who or how) but I'm sure someone reading will ablige <_<


I don't know how, but once the gmail was set up - loading to my PDA was a snap. All of my GSAK probs were fixed.

If you check the off-topic forum, there is a thread for gmail invites. As premium members, you can see that one.

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