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Cacher Identity?

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had an email from the english nature manager re my martin down cache in dorset. has had reports of four cachers together, two men two women in possibly a jeep maybe one called nick, driving at excess speed over the down. about a fortnight ago.


no log on the site to correspond so prob mistaken identity. i've asked why they thought they were cachers....


just thought i'd ask if it rang any bells??


for anyone else planning to do the cache, please do it on foot. he's pro at the moment but that could change. the progress towards a national agreement is very slow and tedious but still moving. not likely if we annoy him.


martin down a sssi etc etc so if we can get approval there then anywhere else should be simple.


cheers for any ideas

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It's a tricky one.


Since your cache is already a multi, it might be worth taking another look at the layout. Perhaps you can organise the start point and intermediates, so that searchers find themselves well away from their vehicle on foot, and are less tempted to go back for it.


(I realise that this may be easier said than done, on an open Down.)


One of my own caches is laid out this way, specifically to "discourage" people from attempting to drive up to the final co-ordinates.


You've already got a notice on the cache page about vehicle use, so there may not be much more that can be done.



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It's possible to reduce the walking on this one quite considerably without driving anywhere other than on public highways. That's the way I did it, anyway. B)B)


There's an established parking area near the easternmost stage of the cache - perhaps it would be worth mentioning this on the cache page. Email me if you want more details.


Have you checked the actual logbook, as some cachers don't log online? If there's no entry there, then these people surely weren't cachers.

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in my description i list the co-ordinates for the second carpark. but thanks anyway.


i haven't had the chance to check the physical log but apparently they were approached by volunteers at the site and they identified themselves as cachers.


i can't have a go at them as they are legally allowed to do what they did. just not encouraged due to the nature of the sssi. and at the end of the day if english nature take umbridge then permission will be removed and the national agreement will not be sorted out....


i mainly wanted to check to see if anyone had done so or if it was just someone claiming to be cachers/ mistaken identity.


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