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Help Moving Travel Bug East


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hi folks. we've got a travel bug that we're trying to move eastward, next stop planned was to be the tahoe area. all this snow (which i love to ski on!) is making that unlikely.


the bug has a goal of being back in a cache in NH by june, it's part of a fellow cacher's project for the 5th grade class she teaches. we already have a back-up plan of just mailing the bug back, but i'd *adore* being able to arrange quick stops in some caches along the way. unfortunately this would have to be organized rather than relying on happenstance to enable the bug's desired commute from the current blue state across a sea of red states and back to a blue again. i imagine that it'll have to be mailed at some point. at the very least, i 'd like to mail it to a cacher in NH to put it back in the "powder house" cache for retrieval. ideally we can plan a series of cache drops for the next 8 weeks to get her home that's more in line with the spirit of travel bugs.


anyone on board to help?


she's in san francisco now. we could do an in-person hand off or quickly leave it back in "wood over iron" for retrieval. it looks like tahoe (tahoe city/truckee) is going to be out of play for a few more weeks.


i'm set to get reply notification.

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