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Cache Descriptions

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Ok, I know in the past that I saw someone post a link to a page that showed how to use HTML in cache descriptions. I have tried to use the search feature and it keeps returning nothing when I search on "HTML".


Also, someone mentioned a way to hide the cache from the approvers while you were working on the cache page, so that it didn't get approved or disapproved while you were creating the cache page.


If anyone knows the answer to these two questions, I would greatly appreciate a nudge in the right direction.


Thanks in advanced....


Baptist Deacon

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Ok, I know in the past that I saw someone post a link to a page that showed how to use HTML in cache descriptions.  I have tried to use the search feature and it keeps returning nothing when I search on "HTML".

Check the checkbox labelled "The descriptions below are in HTML", and write the HTML in the description box.

Also, someone mentioned a way to hide the cache from the approvers while you were working on the cache page, so that it didn't get approved or disapproved while you were creating the cache page.

Uncheck the checkbox labelled "Yes, this cache is currently active". Check it again when you're done.

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Ok, I know in the past that I saw someone post a link to a page that showed how to use HTML in cache descriptions. I have tried to use the search feature and it keeps returning nothing when I search on "HTML".


Also, someone mentioned a way to hide the cache from the approvers while you were working on the cache page, so that it didn't get approved or disapproved while you were creating the cache page.


If anyone knows the answer to these two questions, I would greatly appreciate a nudge in the right direction.


Thanks in advanced....


Baptist Deacon

Once you post a new cache, the reviewers see it and any changes made to it up until it is approved. Fortunately, they are pretty experienced geocachers like us and are pretty understanding. ;)


To post a link use the following HTML code I have provided with an example...


<a href="http://www.tomslatin.com/">My Web Page</a>





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Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!Thank you!!!!!


Baptist Deacon

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