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Trading Sig Items

Nurse Dave

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I have a decent collection of sig items, but just a few things from out of country. A couple from Canada and 1 from Germany. I thought it would be neat to swap more with people far away. If anyone is interested drop me a note. It can be anything from just a sig card you drop in every cache or a custom coin, I have something I can swap you for.

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I have sig cards which I drop in caches I find. Each is unique, with a common front and with a print of one of my African wildlife photographs on the back. Each photograph is different. I have no idea what I'm going to do when I run out of photos!!!


If you would like one, email me with your postal address - I'd be glad to send you one.


Kind regards,

Brian Connell


South Africa


ps If you have a favourite African animal, let me know and I'll see what I can do to put it on the card.


edited to add ps

Edited by Azaruk
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