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Letchworth Fall Gathering


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Having attended the last two Letchworth Fall Gatherings, I HIGHLY recommend this event and will be attending again this year! Letchworth is a beautiful park, and there are many, many caches there. Can't find a nicer bunch of folks either!


Usually attendees that are planning on camping will try and reserve sites near each other. Watch the posts for more information. Looking forward to meeting some new faces!

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I agree....Blackwatch Clan puts on an AWESOME event!

Brogan usually hides a nice, DEVIOUS event cache each year...


I think there are about 32 or so caches currently in the park, and I have it on good authority that there should be about 5 or 6 more by Gathering Time... :)


I live right next to the park, so if anyone needs intimate knowledge of campsites or caches (I've done them all, finally), or sites/areas to see, drop me a line....


Attendance at the Gathering has been between 120-150 each year, if I am not mistaken...

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