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Bare Bones Gps


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I am looking for a bare bones GPS. One that has the antenna, receiver, number crunching hardware, and nothing else. By this I mean no buttons, no screen, nothing; just a couple wires for the power and a couple more wires that output the position data in NMEA 0183 protocol. Does such a thing exist? I need something very cheap like that. Thanks.

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Closest thing that comes to my mind is the DeLorme Earthmate. I have no idea if it gives NMEA output or something proprietary, though.


You can get them used on ebay. Come to think of it, I have one on a shelf gathering dust somewhere around here.

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Yes, the EARTHMATE is what comes to my mind too. The specifications just says "NMEA-compliant". It appears that the one on Delorme's Web site is USB - while NMEA 0183 mentions RS-232. You might want to CONTACT DELORME and ask them if it conforms specifically to NMEA 0183.


As Embra mentioned you can find them on eBay - new USB and older serial RS-232 models as well.



Edited by Neo_Geo
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I am looking for a bare bones GPS. One that has the antenna, receiver, number crunching hardware, and nothing else. By this I mean no buttons, no screen, nothing; just a couple wires for the power and a couple more wires that output the position data in NMEA 0183 protocol. Does such a thing exist? I need something very cheap like that. Thanks.

So, what's the big picture here? What is the ultimate goal?

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I cant tell you



Just kidding. I want to build a 'homing beacon', with APRS. Actually just something I can clip to the outside of my backpack when I hike or go mountain biking, that will periodically beacon my position. Then someone back home can watch a map and see where I am in real-time.


I have ordered the ham radio equipment I need to make it happen, I just need the GPS receiver component. Because I will connect it straight to the packet modem, I need something where I can simply pull the NMEA off two wires, which can be done much more easily with serial than USB.


There's the big picture... :huh:

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I want to build a 'homing beacon', with APRS. Actually just something I can clip to the outside of my backpack when I hike or go mountain biking, that will periodically beacon my position. Then someone back home can watch a map and see where I am in real-time.


I have ordered the ham radio equipment I need to make it happen, I just need the GPS receiver component. Because I will connect it straight to the packet modem, I need something where I can simply pull the NMEA off two wires, which can be done much more easily with serial than USB.

...So if you get stranded on the side of a mountain and someone from home sees you haven't moved anywhere in the last five hours, they can call with your exact coordinates. Rather than spend eight days up there somewhere, the choppers can get to you before dinner time.


Just don't tell the Mrs. that you're going hiking if you're really going to the Motel 6! :huh:


The older RS-232 Earthmate models with mapping software are going for around $35.00 on ebay.

Edited by Neo_Geo
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That's basically the idea, but just the start of it.


After I get this working I want to play around with this concept. If I can get the unit small, rugged, and self contained, (and cheap enough) I could build a handful of them and then invent some kind of crazy high tech outdoor manhunt-style game. Of course then I will probably have to switch from Ham to FRS for the radio component, but that's trivial.

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