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Suggestion for posting of rules and policies


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This page of cache requirments is refered to in various messages.


It's clearly "must read" material for beginners. But that article doesn't seem to be directly linked anywhere on the About Geocaching page, the FAQ, or the Hide/Seek page. Wouldn't a link in any or all of those places be easier than having to drill down into the forums for it?


I mean, sure the point of the game is hiding things - but probably not the rulebook icon_smile.gif


In a similar vein, I noticed the general rules outlined in the FAQ are slightly out of synch with some topics in the Requirements article. One example: FAQ says variations like virtual caches are encouraged. Newer "Requirements" page gives many reasons why virtuals are NOT encouraged.


I know the sport is constantly evolving and this means rules and policy changes. If there was one prominent URL linked right from the homepage of the site where the current rules and policies could be kept (and kept up to date), that would probably eliminate a lot of confusion.

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Originally posted by Lee David Rimar:

In a similar vein, I noticed the general rules outlined in the FAQ are slightly out of synch with some topics in the Requirements article. One example: FAQ says variations like virtual caches are encouraged. Newer "Requirements" page gives many reasons why virtuals are NOT encouraged.

As you know, the rules and guidelines are constantly evolving, But all the FAQs & How tos, etc, do not update themselves. So they often are behind in recent developments icon_frown.gif


I know the sport is constantly evolving and this means rules and policy changes. If there was one prominent URL linked right from the homepage of the site where the current rules and policies could be kept (and kept up to date), that would probably eliminate a lot of confusion.

For some it might, for others it wouldn't IMO, because some people never bother to read any of the info. icon_rolleyes.gif

But yea, I agree that the FAQs&etc could probly be placed better... If you email 'it' to Groundspeak, or post in the gc.com forum, and it will probly get noticed (sooner).



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