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Bug Destroyed


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We just found out yesterday that Hillary was destroyed along with the entire cache that she was in :) . We moved her to 'unknown location' but would like to restart her using her 'copy' tag. We just wanted to make sure that this was not against the rules. Thanks in advance for any info.

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My understanding is that when you purchase a Travel Bug, you purchase not only the tag and its copy, but the right to use its tracking number on the Geocaching system. I have seen many instances where people use the "COPY" tag as a replacement for one that goes MIA, as well as bugs with no actual metal tag attached, but with the TB number either on a homemade tag, or written directly on the traveler itself.


If your Travel Bug has disappeared, and you're convinced that it won't be making it back into circulation, then by all means, restart it with either the copy tag, or some other method of marking the bug with its tracking number.

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I've re-issued some of my TBs just using the instruction tag similar to the one attached to the original. The metal tag is kind of redundant if a TB's instruction tag has the tracking number on it.


The copy tag is useful for your reference unless you keep track of your bugs through a list or something.

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