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Rome, Florence, Tuscany


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I saw a thread a few pages back that had a few listings, so I already have the Duomo and Forum caches marked. I would like to hear from cachers who have actual personal experience visiting these locations. I'm planning to be there in early May. I'm travelling with family who don't really get geocaching so I can't be running all over town unless I take off on my own. We will have a car to go between Florence and Rome and are planning two nights in between.

Thanks in advance.


We are planning a trip to Italy as well, in October. I'd love to hit a few caches on the way. DOn't have an itinerary set, but thinking Rome, Tuscany and Venice.

Please let me know your experience and if you have any recommendations of caches!



Mrs. Dark


Ditto to geomaineiacs...the Roman Forum cache was great! If you visit Vatican City, there are 2 virtual caches there including "Le Corniaud," which is a very easy :rolleyes: . Have fun in Italia!


--IntotheWoods [8D]


I will also be in Italy in October. I will be visiting Rome, Florence, Venice, Assisi, and Verona. I am hoping to start a travel bug there, and see if it can find its way back. I will also be checking in to see if there are any TB's there that need passage to the states. If anyone has any good suggestions, let me know! B)


I'm back and posting a brief geo trip report. If anyone wants non GC tips feel free to email me.

In Florence: The climb for Stairway to Heaven 2 [GCGDGV] is well worth the effort. The view is spectacular. It is 463 reps B) on a middle ages stairstepper so be prepared for a workout. I also snapped several LC pics.

In Tuscany: I didn't get the time to nab Chianti Classico [GC87D6], but have been watching it and it IS quite active. I did find Picture Perfect, which isn't much of a cache (35mm under a shrub) but is at an amazing overlook B) .

In Rome: The two in the Forum [GC612E] and Titus... are must do's. There seems to be some container confusion re:TItus.... though. :mad:

Above all, have fun, drink lots of wine :lol: , and eat gelato :lol: every afternoon!

We are planning a trip to Italy as well, in October. I'd love to hit a few caches on the way. DOn't have an itinerary set, but thinking Rome, Tuscany and Venice.

Please let me know your experience and if you have any recommendations of caches!



Mrs. Dark

My wife and I are heading to Turin, florence, rome and naples in early october. We are planning to hit a cache or two.

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