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White Salmon, Wa, Children's Fair 3/6


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Posted (edited)

Anybody out there? Called on ZEMI, but she would be more inclined to help if her caching family were there! So.... Calling on Capt. Jack and First Mate, Geo-sisters, Dan & Janet, Igor ... and I know more.... If you would be able to support your local caching area by assisting with a Children's Fair in White Salmon, WA, (March 6, 2004) that is interested in having a geocaching exhibit/booth, please leave feedback here. Success through numbers! I don't think a single cacher could pull off what a community of cachers could do! More information to come. -CameraThyme - formerly of Goldendale....

Edited by CameraThyme

:P Ack, bummer, that's the same day as the Pine Grove Fire Department's annual auction. One lizard fights fires and another one can type pretty quickly, so our scaly tails are stapled to the PGFD office floor from sun-up to roughly midnight. Would love to see everybody and help, but alas.... alack... If you're in the area anyway, scoot on up Hwy. 35 on the OR side of the river and poke your head through the office window to whisper lat/long coordinates to us and make us jealous of your freedom...


Sorry, CameraThyme. Would have loved to help. ;)


Following please find the content of the e-mail I received from the 'head cheese' of the sponsoring agency of the HUGS Fair in White Salmon, WA.


First, she notes, "You geocachers sure have a great communication network!" Isn't that the truth!



"For about the last 7 years or so, there has been an annual event called the

HUGS ("Help Us Grow Safely") Children's Health and Safety Fair in White

Salmon, WA. About 600-700 youth and their families attend every year. There

are 30 or so different exhibitors. The purpose is to educate the public

about issues pertaining to children's health and safety. It is a day of fun,

entertainment, freebees, give-a-ways, exhibits, etc.; older youth volunteer

to help at the event. This year's theme is "Connecting Youth with Hobbies

and Interests." Someone on our planning committee mentioned that geocaching

was active in our area, and the rest of us liked the idea of youth getting

outside, using GPS units, etc.--could be a new and positive activity for

some youth."


I have e-mailed Dr. Kerr to see about the 'sponsorship' of a booth, etc. I am hoping that we 'volunteer' cachers don't have to cough up a booth fee for something they are requesting at the fair. If it's a neglible amount, or if we can piggy-back with another booth, it will still be a go. If it's a huger 'fee', either we can come together to off-set that or find some way to 'raffle' a gps and use the funds to pay the fee, etc. (you know how raffles work). These are just ideas I am kicking around to make this happen. With '600' youths at this Fair, there will be quite a group to explain caching too. For instance, would we want to make a small pamphlet to explain caching, or just a small 3x5 card??


If George from Yakima is thinking about coming... then Mid-Columbia cachers unite! ;-) And yes, you can be from Oregon! (Is there any cacher along Hwy 14 in Washington other than ZEMI! ;-) )


Thoughts and responses... please. If I have a solid response, we can continue on and tell Dr. Kerr it's a go.



Posted (edited)

OK, any more thoughts here before I pass the torch to George(lotsofnumbershere) from Yakima?? :-)


Oh, NO booth fee needed; they are excited to host geocaching. They are looking for informational material, someone to person a booth, several geocachers to work with folks to show them how it works, and possibly to set up geocaches nearby for the folks to 'find'.


:-) - CT

Edited by CameraThyme

George.. lots of numbers.. ;-) from Yakima is graciously handling this Children's Fair geocaching information booth and gathering. Talk is that he will make it a White Salmon event cache .. so stay tuned. Thanks for the link to the file for printing brochures on geocahing, Capt. Jack and 1st Mate .. CT

Posted (edited)
:ph34r:Hi all, I will be at the Henkle Middle School, in White Salmon, WA, March 6, 2004. There is a kids fair happening that day known as the H. U. G. S. Fair, (Help Us Grow Safely). Geogirl 2288 and I will have a booth at this event to show kids and adults what geocaching is all about. We would like to invite everyone to stop by and say hi, and maybe help us talk to these kids. The fair is free. the hours are 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The coordinates are N 45 44.397, W 121 29.840. :ph34r: Edited by George501949

By George


Posts: 96

Joined: 12-August 01


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Hi all, I will be at the Henkle Middle School, in White Salmon, WA, March 6, 2004. There is a kids fair happening that day known as the H. U. G. S. Fair, (Help Us Grow Safely). Geogirl 2288 and I will have a booth at this event to show kids and adults what geocaching is all about. We would like to invite everyone to stop by and say hi, and maybe help us talk to these kids. The fair is free. the hours are 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The coordinates are N 45 44.397, W 121 29.840.



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