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What can Tungsten T3 do for GCing?


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I just got a new Palm Tungsten T3 and was tying to figure out all the ways it can be used for geocaching. Since this is my first palm, I know nothing about how to use it, but it seems like it has a lot of flexibility with bluetooth.


So... can someone help me learn the different ways to use the T3 with geocaching? I know that I would need more hardware or software for most advanced GCing stuff, but I'm open to any ideas. Assume I know nothing... because I don't!


Some basic goals:


1. Paperless caching. What programs do I use to get the cache information on to the T3? (I currently use spinner to change the waypoint names to upload to my SporTrak.)


2. Internet surfing? What mobile phone and accessories would be needed?


3. Auto navigation? I've seen mention of bluetooth GPSr's. Do these really exist and how would they interface with the T3?


ANY ideas on how to use the T3 with geocaching are welcomed!






I got a Tungsten E and so far I've been able to download the basic software for it and read word documents, etc. Then I went to some Geocaching web pages and saved the web page as a text file. Then transfer the file to the Palm and I can bring up the web page (text only)

Read instructions, hints, even make notes about T/something L/nothing, etc.

If there is another way, I'm all ears.


Posted (edited)



I have a Tungsten T1:


For paperless caching I use CacheMate - it's $7 and worth every penny

For internet surfing I would use a regular computer - I find that the screens on PDAs are much too small for most websites.

For a bluetooth GPSr you might try mapopolis, I know they used to sell them.



Edited by JeremyA

I've had a couple days to play with things. I kinda found CacheMate by accident and agree that it's the way to go with a Palm.


Plucker with the Spinner file is nice, too. CacheMate is more of a database where Spinner is a very well thought out HTML 'web site' generator. Spinner seems a little more easy to find nearby caches since they are listed at the bottom of each cache, even though CacheMate can generate nearby caches. I also like the scrolling/navigation in Spinner/Plucker a bit more. CacheMate could use some scroll bars, but I understand there's some limitation with the templates in being able to add the scroll bars.


I still use Spinner to change the waypoint names and upload them to my SporTrak with ExpertGPS. It would be great to be able to have the ExpertGPS maps on the palm, but I don't think it is possible. I guess I can save the maps as images and view them on the palm. Will have to play with it.


What is Mapopolis? Does it allow you to use your Palm for navigation? It would be great if there was someway to interface the SporTrak with the Palm for navigation. Any ideas?


Thanks for all your help.




With the right cable you can hook your GPS and plam together and watch your movments on loaded maps in the palm. There are tons of programs out there for making things easier for the most part.


Spinner to edit the GPX files and generates HTML pages for loading on your palm

Watcher to group, filter, edit GPX files that you can later Spin

Cachemate has some good reviews and people tend to like it. I have not tinkered with it yet myself


Then there are several programs that will allow you to download maps to your palm, the connect your GPS via a cable or if the GPS has it Blue Tooth and you can see progress on the loaded maps.


I just stick with my V w/ loaded waypoints and use the palm to keep cache info handy. In the car I just connect the V to the laptop to get a bigger screen for routing or general area.




CacheMate is all you need on the Palm as far as tracking caches and logs, but I still use Spinner to change the waypoint names before I upload them to my SporTrak.


Spinner can generate a set of HTML pages that can be used by Plucker. Sometimes it is helpful to use the Plucker interface web-like interface, but CacheMate seems a better overall utility since it is a database that you can actually update and still preserve your custom entries.

With the right cable you can hook your GPS and plam together and watch your movments on loaded maps in the palm. There are tons of programs out there for making things easier for the most part.

Does anyone know what cable I would use to interface the SporTrak with the Palm?


What programs allow you to do live navigation?!


For live navigation (I presume you mean mapping) it depends a lot on where you will be navigating. Many programs are nation specific, or are best used with certain data only available for certain regions.


As for a cable, as I have already told you, you will need a GPSr to serial cable, a palm to serial cable, and a null-modem connector. A single cable would be better, but there are so many PDAs and so many GPSrs, no-one is likely to make a range of specific cables any time soon.


There are numorous websites telling you how to make your own cables if you want to mess around with soldering irons etc, but as not all the connectors are available, this may involve canabalising the leads I listed above to get you the bits you need.


Palm.com say a serial lead for your T3 is $19.95, and a null modem adaptor can be bought from hundreds of places for about $10. A serial lead for your GPSr should be part of the package. If not, it could cost you a suprising amount.

Actually I think there are more than a few p;aces that make cables for Palm to GPS. Check Ebay as most of them have ebay stores.



This link might help you, (the iQue uses the same connector as several Palm devices) ...


Cables for your iQue


The pFranc connector is Garmin specific.


Thanks for the links. I can't seem to find any cables for the Palm T series to serial. The Magellan SporTrak Pro already is a DB9 connector.


There seems to be several programs / packages for the palm m500 or V series, but I can't find anything about navigating streets with the T-series.


Has anyone actually hooked up a palm T-series to a magellan for live street navigation?! If so, how did you do it?!



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