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Cachers In The Phoenix Area

Bear and Ting

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Fellow cachers,


We are hoping that someone might be able to help out a friend of ours. He moved to Phoenix, AZ, a few years ago prior to us getting into geocaching. We visited him earlier this year and took him out caching and he highly enjoyed it. He went out and bought a GPS of his own and we once again had the pleasure of caching with him when we went on vacation to the UK. After we got home, he did go out caching a few times, but has not been bitten by the bug because does not like to do things alone :( (and he especially feels like caching is more fun with others there to share the experience).


Being “shy”, he hasn’t attended any picnics or caching parties in his area to meet any of the fellow cachers out there. Because this is such great exercise, and he had a heart attack many years ago, and we feel like it would be good for him to get out a bit more, we would love to see him get to know some fellow cachers that he can go out with regularly. So, we are looking for a few people who might be willing to take him out on some of the easier hikes (1-3 terrain) until he feels like he can do more. We hope this will help him find new friends who share a common interest.


If you would like to help out, drop me a line at bear@consept.com, or contact him directly at GeoDarylAZ@consept.com. We would love to be able to read the logs of his new adventures with his new friends.


Thank you,


Bear and Ting :D

Indianapolis, IN

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