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I jsut discovered that the owner of a cache cant change the coordinates of a cache more then .1. I recently had a need to do this and went thru admin to achieve the change. Only question I have is concerning moving caches. I just picked up Rolling Rock, the Weird NJ geocache, and the owner brought this up to me. Am I to assume that moving caches are grandfathered and that the owner merely needs to forward the new location to admin for change? Or are these caches stuck forever wherever they are? I havent seen any forum psoting discussing this (if there is one I didnt see it, so feel free to markwell me...)

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As I understand it, grandfathered moving caches don't have that .1 mile move limitation. It was discussed here


"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on his hind legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" - Max Beerbohm


[This message was edited by BrianSnat on October 28, 2003 at 05:22 AM.]

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Moving caches that are not already in place are banned. I found this out this spring. Personally, I think that all of them should be converted to TB's and sent back to their owners. (To be fair, many of our users are new and relatively new players, and to ban them from moving caches, but to allow others to have them sets up a 2 tier system.)




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Originally posted by bigredmed:

(To be fair, many of our users are new and relatively new players, and to ban them from moving caches, but to allow others to have them sets up a 2 tier system.)


To be fair, new people to the game cannot expect the game to change to accomodate them. Once the grandfathering is explained, that is all that should be necessary. No more are allowed. Those that were allowed under the old rules will be allowed to remain until they die a natural death. Period.


Seems very fair to me, and I don't even own any moving caches.


"Afghanistan was a battle. Iraq was a battle. The war goes on."

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Moving caches are a lot of fun, especially for new cachers who have never hidden a cache. Its a real shame that they are no longer acceptable. Oh well - that's progress...





I love frogs. They taste like chicken. Yum.


"Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been passionate, rebellious, and immature." --Tom Robbins

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We have one great moving cache in our area - Vancouver Transit - and I would hate to lose it. It is very popular and most active cachers in our area have found it, and a number (including myself) have found it more than once. I haven’t found it for awhile, but I still like to follow its adventures. However, I don’t think it would be a good idea to have several of them in our area, and I think that it was a probably a good idea to have banned them. But how about this for an idea: only allow one moving cache within a defined area - in which the moving cache cannot leave. The moving cache would be allowed in the area if it is proposed as a group effort - perhaps at least 10 cachers making the submission. If there is more than one submission proposed for the area, then the approvers would do some kind of random draw. The cachers who submitted the cache would have to be responsible for ensuring that the current posted cache co-ordinates remain within the geocaching guidelines (which would have to be included as part of the cache description), and any failure to do this would result in the cache being archived. This way everybody would have the opportunity of having one moving cache in their area. In my opinion it is well worth it.


I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me.


[This message was edited by seneca on October 28, 2003 at 11:06 AM.]

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