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What's your signature item?

Guest tnunnery

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Guest tnunnery

I saw reference in another post about cachers placing their "signature item" in caches. Let's hear it, what are everyone's signature items?

Guest rusty

I saw that same post and it made me wonder too. I don't have a signiture item yet but it did get me thinking about it. Let's hear some responses, I know other cachers have them becuase I have seen them. Maybe you have some suggestions for those of us without.


Do you still leave something else or just your signiture? If you leave the same thing all over the place don't people stop wanting it? Or does it gain allure if you are a Geo-legend?



Guest Elwood

my original thread is here http://forums.Groundspeak.com/ubb/Forum5/HTML/000080.html

i started geocaching without a "SIGNATURE PIECE" and traded normaly, now my daughter usually trades for things she wants and i add my taw on top of whatever she trades, but if there is something i want in the cache i will trade approiately for it besides leaving my marker


my marker is not something that someone would want to trade for, as least i dont think anyone would want my marker, if they do they are free to take it, but i would hope my markers will stay where i plant them to show which caches i have visited. is that selfish of me?


[This message has been edited by Elwood (edited 23 July 2001).]

Guest BKDotCom

I've left an origami bear in 3 of the 4 caches I've found.. I also try and leave something that might be considered "of value" in addition to a paper bear.. Unfortunately I left a bear in the car once or I'd be 4/4.

Guest tecmage



We just bought some foam gliders. A local store was closing them out, and we bought the last 15-20 of them. Nothing fancy.


Richard and Tracy

Guest db8tr

So far I haven't left a signature item, but I have been thinking it would be neat to have one. I have thought about sea-shells, since Kansas is so far away from the ocean. I pick up mass quantities of them at Holden Beach N.C. every summer. I have also thought about making a stamp for the log, kind of like letterboxing. Of course I would also trade something in addtition to my stamp mark in the log, but I think it would be fun to have something permenant in the cache that was uniquely me.

Guest Moun10Bike

I have created a custom stamp that I use to stamp the logbook (see this site). I am also considering having coins made up with the geocaching logo on one side and my personalized logo on the other, but the cost is pretty steep.


Of course, I also leave a "traditional" tchotchke.



Jon (Moun10Bike)


N 47° 36.649', W 122° 3.616'


Guest rebobbitt

I always leave a leather-man like tool from my last job, a failed dot-com (CyberCrop.com). It has the CyberCrop logo, but is a high quality tool. When the company folded in April, the employees went through the marketing material and we took whatever we could carry. I got lots of shirts, pens, mints, and about a hundred of the leather-man like tools. After I log a hundred caches, I might have to think about what to leave next!



Guest Squad51

Team Squad51 always leaves a bunch (normally at least 25, sometimes more) of fire engine trading cards in every cache we place and visit, in addition to at least one or two other items.

Guest ClayJar

Originally posted by rebobbitt:

and about a hundred of the leather-man like tools. After I log a hundred caches, I might have to think about what to leave next!

Might you be coming anywhere near Louisiana before you hit the century mark? I'll accelerate the cache planting. icon_wink.gif


I've put a lot of balls (mostly the squishy kind) in caches. I bought a bunch when I started having a problem with too-small caches a few times; now I can squish them into whatever air pockets are left in the cache. (I stick better things in when there's room, but I always have some squishy balls to trade for cheap yo-yos, and sometimes I have really cool designed ones.)

Guest ClayJar

Originally posted by rebobbitt:

and about a hundred of the leather-man like tools. After I log a hundred caches, I might have to think about what to leave next!

Might you be coming anywhere near Louisiana before you hit the century mark? I'll accelerate the cache planting. icon_wink.gif


I've put a lot of balls (mostly the squishy kind) in caches. I bought a bunch when I started having a problem with too-small caches a few times; now I can squish them into whatever air pockets are left in the cache. (I stick better things in when there's room, but I always have some squishy balls to trade for cheap yo-yos, and sometimes I have really cool designed ones.)

Guest bunkerdave

I was at a local dollar store, and they had dozens of these little carabiner keychains (the little quick-clips that rock-climbers use)for a buck apiece, so I cleaned them out of green ones. I fear these will not last long, so I will probably just go with any color I can get, and use a metal stamp to mark them with "BD" I don't care if people take them, and sometimes I leave more than one, if I take something that is worth more than $1.00. It is kind of nice to just carry a bunch of them around, sort of like currency. Then I know I always have something to trade, if I want to.


[This message has been edited by bunkerdave (edited 23 July 2001).]

Guest GeoMonkeys

We have a signature item.

we place a "barrel - o - Monkey" monkey in each cache we visit. We number each one with the find nuber we are up to,and put our team name and the date.

We also have a logo stamp for the log book, as some timesd the monkeys dont fit ( micro-caches). if you want to see our logo, go to


happy caching.

Guest makaio

Since planning the First PDX Area Geocachers Get Together, I've been using my Golden Spikes.




I collect railroad spikes just about everytime I'm out caching (there's always some RR tracks around). I clean them up with a drill/wire wheel and spray paint them shiny gold. They only take about 10 minutes apiece to prepare and the cost is cheap (1 can of spraypaint covers dozens of spikes). I prefer giving something I've created to something store bought or junk drawer items. Folks have so far been scarfing them up as a prized item. I'll plan on doing some silver and bronze soon as well.


[This message has been edited by makaio (edited 18 August 2001).]

Guest zilla

Ok I'll jump in again here.. My Signature item is an annodized half sized carabiner.. I use them for everything and they are very handy to have


[This message has been edited by zilla (edited 23 July 2001).]

Guest hgmonaro

what's a carabiner?


those leather-man tools sound ace!


I'm thinking about a signature item... maybe a hand printed B&W photograph (a scenic shot, not my 2yo son, although he is cute!) since that's my 'real' hobbie!

Guest T-storm

I originally responded in Elwood's thread under the SW topic area, but FWIW, the signature item that Brokenwing and I are leaving is a little enameled lapel pin in the shape of a ferret. (If you're interested, I posted a pic in 2nd post in this topic http://forums.Groundspeak.com/ubb/Forum5/HTML/000080.html) We place it on a card for the local ferret enthusiast club and leave it behind. We figure if someone wants it they are welcome to it, and otherwise it says "we were here". And if someone who is interested in ferrets stumbles across it and uses the info from the card to learn more, that's good for the critters!


We do our "treasure trading" entirely independently of the sig item. As long as it will fit in the cache, the ferret pin goes in. If we decide to take anything from the cache or have something that seems perfect for it, we leave behind additional stuff. The ferret club bought the pins at a discount from a guy who'd invested more than he could get back from them and I bought them at a discount from the club because they weren't selling (no real effort). I did some work for the club that is recovering their investment in the pins and making up the cash I didn't pay for them, a nice trade for all!


[This message has been edited by T-storm (edited 23 July 2001).]

Guest EraSeek

I've used glowsticks alot lately but I have also used "Cyber-treats", floppy disks that I put a variety of things on. I've written a fews books in the past just for our family (stories, poems, accounts of adventure, philosophy, and such) for Christmas gifts. I've been thinking about putting those on the floppies as Cyber-treats. I got a lot. Maybe 12 books worth.

Guest tnunnery

I have also read about someone leaving GeoCaching bag tags. This sounded like a great idea and everyone seems to enjoy them when found. Other things I have heard about/seen are music boxes, bubbles and photographs. My personal favorite, and what I try to leave in every cache? Aliens! 8)

Guest rebobbitt

Might you be coming anywhere near Louisiana before you hit the century mark? I'll accelerate the cache planting.


those leather-man tools sound ace!


I don't think I personally will make it to Louisana soon, but one of the tools might. They have been making the rounds in caches here in Colorado, and might show up in a cache near you!


Here is a picture of the tool:




ps. Saw how Ttepee was able to post image, cool.




[This message has been edited by rebobbitt (edited 24 July 2001).]

Guest Cach-U-Nuts

My husband has been leaving his NUTS in caches....A perhaps I should clarify this! He actually has taken nuts & bolts of various sizes and stamped them with a number and code word. When someone removes it from one cache they can score points by placing it in another cache then log it in @ www.cachunuts.com We are having so much fun with this game, we started creating nut men and traveling beanie's. I love seeing how many new nuts sign up each day. We really are NUTS about geocaching! We have a ton of ideas for new games we just need to find the time to implement! Oh if we could only geocache for a living instead of Work icon_smile.gif

Guest Cach-U-Nuts

My husband has been leaving his NUTS in caches....A perhaps I should clarify this! He actually has taken nuts & bolts of various sizes and stamped them with a number and code word. When someone removes it from one cache they can score points by placing it in another cache then log it in @ www.cachunuts.com We are having so much fun with this game, we started creating nut men and traveling beanie's. I love seeing how many new nuts sign up each day. We really are NUTS about geocaching! We have a ton of ideas for new games we just need to find the time to implement! Oh if we could only geocache for a living instead of Work icon_smile.gif

Guest brucebridges

I don't leave a single item, but I usually include something related to Power Rangers. I work with the show so it makes sense.


The first cache we planted includes a free visit to the production set for the 1st person to find it.

Guest wizmedic

I try and leave anything paramedic/fire dept or military. Have been leaving some plastic fireman with numbers on the underside. Also been leaving some EMS patches that I have collected over the years.



Guest Captain Kidd

ain't proper to plunder somebody's treasure chest without leavin a nice peice of gold ( Fools gold ). Might even leave some real stuff iffin ya nice to ol Captn here. But then again iffin ya get the capt'n mad he might just have ya walk da plank .

Guest Prime Suspect

Originally posted by tnunnery:

I have also read about someone leaving GeoCaching bag tags. This sounded like a great idea and everyone seems to enjoy them when found.8)


That sounds like The Geocache Luggage Tag Extravaganza. I've got a couple of the tags, they're nicely done. Someone last located the cache today (the 24th), and there appears to be only one of the original dozen tags left.


[This message has been edited by Prime Suspect (edited 24 July 2001).]

Guest Prime Suspect

I have two "signature" items. One is a yellow smiley-face night light, about 2.5" across. But my supply has dried up, and I've only got 1 or 2 left in my trade bag. The other item is Pop Rocks. Both the night light and the Pop Rocks seems to get picked up by following cachers fairly quickly.

Guest Havasu Desert Rat

I don't have anything yet, but I enjoy woodworking, so I was thinking about making little wooden puzzles, the little chinese puzzle types that you have to figure out how to take apart and put back together.

Guest Byron

I liked the idea of a signature item. Another hobby of mine is wood carving. I designed a "stump" pin and now leave one in every cache I plant or visit.

Guest Jomomof3

sually at least four of us on each hunt, so we have been leaving: 1) bottled spring water 8 oz.

2) extra AA batteries in a ziplock baggie,

3) a little craft - a foam airplane you decorate and put together yourself and

4) one or two pokemon cards.

I recently acquired some party favors in the form of mini kaleidoscopes and was thinking of leaving those too.

Guest bearboy

I dont have a signiture item YET.

I dont think it would hurt anything though.The only thing that I do on a regular basis is take longer than normal people do finding caches.

Guest irishcb

Our dogs leave 2 dog bone treats in shrink wrap. We are looking for another, some caches need to be food free. Any ideas for our dogs?


After our first outing, we were tick covered, scratched and bruised from tramping through brush and searching under logs. Now we always leave a first aid kit with a dose of pain killer, wet naps, alcohol wipes, ointment and bandaids. icon_biggrin.gif

Greg & Brooke


After our first outing, we were tick covered, scratched and bruised from tramping through brush and searching under logs. Now we always leave a first aid kit with a dose of pain killer, wet naps, alcohol wipes, ointment and bandaids. icon_biggrin.gif

Greg & Brooke

Guest TeamHighDensity

A roll of High Density polyethelene trash can liners. Now there's no excuse to bring the trash out!lol

-Team High Density

Guest BigDoggie

On the grounds that we must all have a screw loose, tramping around in the woods with a gadget in each hand... a screwdriver with interchangable tips. They are very nice... I have about a dozen of them around the house and office.

Guest adventuretom

In addition to various other trinkets my caches contain laminated trading card/tags featuring artwork representing the cache and a regional geocaching logo on the back. My geocache page has the art from the 4 currently available. I also use the tags for my multicaches.



Guest Gutshot

I put together some geocaching temp. tatoos I have been leaving around... Don't know if anybody has been picking them up though.



Guest coralgeo

I always leave something with a sea-critter theme. My current items are little fishy slider puzzles, and mini yo-yos with a fish on them.




Into a melody of deep blue; shells drifting downward to sink and settle on the seafloor. An earth song of creation kneads them into stone, draws aside the waves and lifts them into mountains.

-Nancy Penrose

Guest NightTide

I always leave a compass or pocket knife. My grandfather always said." only flatlanders go any where without a knife or compass". Words I live by.

Guest Hawk-eye

Cinco (5) Bolivano note.



[This message has been edited by Hawk-eye (edited 24 January 2002).]

Guest The Jester

I've been using some small magic tricks as my signiture item. As that is my profession it seemed appropriate. Nothing fancy just some small fun items.



Guest Chris Juricich

Well,if there were room, I'd put comic books in there, but as most don't fit them easily, I would probably put my own mini-comic in there as it would fit better.

Guest Arcane Cacher

A try to always leave a Golden (Sacagawea) Dollar. I go through about 300 of these things a month (obviously, not all are placed in caches!). Some people are happy to get them, some people throw a fit about the dollar coin. However, it seems when I leave one in cache, it doesn't last long.

Guest White Rabbit

It's a "Lucky Rabbit's Foot" (see my name to make sense) and each of them will have a special saying on them that we get from our favorite songs. Our first cache saying was "All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be--Pink Floyd". If you ever run across it, please tell me.

Guest bigRahn

Been slacking lately, but for a while we were leaving pets.com socket puppet keychains. Found about a dozen of them in a local store after they went under, and we just had to have 'em.

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