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What's your signature item?

Guest tnunnery

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I have to be careful as there are people around that are upset that people trade down in the geocaches they find. I was thinking of making my signature item, drug-rep stuff (pens, other freebies, etc). I get this at work and I thought it was fitting given my work and non de-plume.


Would this be seen as trading down?


If the value of what you are taking is more. But then again lots of peole have opinions. I personally wouldn't worry about it.


We printed up a couple of hundred buttons and they've been fairly well received. But I don't trade things for them. I just leave them in most of the caches I visit. If I take something I will leave something behind of greater value.



Never Squat With Yer Spurs On


Originally posted by blu-eyes:

Hey all, My favorite item to leave is a bandana, light, easy to carry,and they have lots and lots of uses. icon_biggrin.gif blu-eyes

I agree ... I've been stocking my caches with stacks of bandanas. At LL Bean they're about $5.00 each but I've found a dollar stor that sells the (apparently) same 100% cotton made in USA red/blue/green/black bandanas for ... that's right ... a dollar. And who doesn't want a bandana. I don't mind so much if people were to just take one without a trade since they're easy and cheap to buy.


Now , here's a VERY bad signature item!!!


Originally posted by blu-eyes:

Hey all, My favorite item to leave is a bandana, light, easy to carry,and they have lots and lots of uses. icon_biggrin.gif blu-eyes

I agree ... I've been stocking my caches with stacks of bandanas. At LL Bean they're about $5.00 each but I've found a dollar stor that sells the (apparently) same 100% cotton made in USA red/blue/green/black bandanas for ... that's right ... a dollar. And who doesn't want a bandana. I don't mind so much if people were to just take one without a trade since they're easy and cheap to buy.


Now , here's a VERY bad signature item!!!


Originally posted by Kevin, Sheri, and The Crew:

Ok, what did I do wrong, the picture didn't work!


(Also, I don't think Angelfire will let you link from another website.)


Those are cool! Great job.


Cheers ...


~Rich in NEPA~




=== A man with a GPS receiver knows where he is; a man with two GPS receivers is never sure. ===


After 9/11 I had some pins made up, U.S.A. "One Nation Under God" Victory pins. I leave one or more at every cache find, and if I run into other cachers I give them one also.

Rapidone icon_cool.gif


But those who wait on the LORD will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.


After 9/11 I had some pins made up, U.S.A. "One Nation Under God" Victory pins. I leave one or more at every cache find, and if I run into other cachers I give them one also.

Rapidone icon_cool.gif


But those who wait on the LORD will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.


My item is quilt squares. If I find a travelor I make him/her/it a quilt related thing...I hobbitized one travelor by putting a cape on him and the linning was a mini signature quilt. right now I have my "signature items" in every province in Canada and have 210 more blocks on there way across the US.......


I'm also working with another cacher to "encourage" cachers to discover caches in his state as well as in mine....For people who do this I will make up a small signature quilt of their own........


It's a great way to combine my 2 favorite pastimes, use up my stash of fabirics and a very real reason for buying for fabric.


My avitar has a px of the quilt I gave away at a caching event this weekend.




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


Here's my signature item.


I'd encourage all you "male geocachers" to pick one of these up when you find it . . . it might help smooth things out with your "significant other" who doesn't quite see the benefit of your obsession.




"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again."

Mt. 13:44


I've basically adopted two items to leave. One being a maille keychain that I make, fitting to the name. And the second is a few coupons from the local pub - coords only on the coupon. Had them made up for me, just for caches.




I'm making an item that I will be leaving in all the caches I find . Its a train crushed penny keychain with the geocache logo my user name, city and state.



1. They easily withstand the harsh environment of cache containers (heat, cold, dampness) and don't attract critters.

2. They are easily packable and will fit in any cache. I usually leave coins from six or seven different countries in a cache, but I can even put at least one or two coins in a microcache.

3. They are rare (i.e. not easily obtainable) and interesting to most folks.

4. A thief probably wouldn't consider them valuable, but they are "treasure" to kids and collectors.

5. It's a useful way to get rid of accumulated pocket change.

6. They are an appropriate match for my username.


I know I answered this question before in the old forums, but I could find my previous post. Maybe lost in the migration?




Originally posted by worldtraveler:


1. They easily withstand the harsh environment of cache containers (heat, cold, dampness) and don't attract critters.

2. They are easily packable and will fit in any cache. I usually leave coins from six or seven different countries in a cache, but I can even put at least one or two coins in a microcache.

3. They are rare (i.e. not easily obtainable) and interesting to most folks.

4. A thief probably wouldn't consider them valuable, but they are "treasure" to kids and collectors.

5. It's a useful way to get rid of accumulated pocket change.

6. They are an appropriate match for my username.


I know I answered this question before in the old forums, but I could find my previous post. Maybe lost in the migration?




I go one farther (back in time that is). If you ever find an ancient (uncleaned?) roman coin in a cache, that would from me.


Geocachers don't NEED to ask for directions!


I just had these laid out by a company that makes chips for all the big casinos:




These are printed double sided. Geocache logo on one side & either globe logo on the back w/the dot com address.


Overall size is 1 5/8". These are a heavy chips not cheap plastic material. Same as used in casinos. I can get them for about $1-$1.10 each, less in larger quantities. Problem is they need a several hundred piece initial order plus art charges. They really are gorgeous & I wondered if anyone wants to go in on the order with me. I'll order them & ship them to anyone who wants some. I am not charging anything extra for them as I am using the logo & I know it's only for private non-profit use per Jeremy. I'll provide a copy of the invoice to anyone that wants proof. I can order them in any one specific color as shown or in mixed batches. Please email me as I'd like to put an order in. I'll accept orders for any quantity wanted then see what I get as a total. This graphic is the proof graphic.


This is a great way to get a professionally made sig item for about a buck each!


Email me at IMF16@aol.com




[This message was edited by Crusso on June 25, 2002 at 04:52 PM.]


[This message was edited by Crusso on June 25, 2002 at 04:55 PM.]


I like Mexican 5 peso pieces. They are pretty distinctive with their bronze center and silver rim and unless you trade them at the border you can't cash them at US banks (only paper is redeemed).


icon_eek.gif Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son!


I like Mexican 5 peso pieces. They are pretty distinctive with their bronze center and silver rim and unless you trade them at the border you can't cash them at US banks (only paper is redeemed).


icon_eek.gif Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son!


I've gotten some interest on my poker chip Geo-coins. Anyone who wants any please see the thread in the "Northeast" forum as I am taking orders.



After I ran out of trinkets around the house I started making chainmail keychains. After I ran out of the wire to make more keychains I found mini multi-tools on clearance at Meijer and bought about 40 of them. After I ran out of them I started making chainmail keychains again. I also made up a personalized geocaching "non-business" card that I add to the cache logbooks.




a golf ball. I use a green sharpie and write I love (with a red heart) Geocaching! on it. Then put my name.


I figure a golf ball is a perfect signature item for me since my Geocaching name derives from the best golfing advice: Go For The Green. Also, golf balls fit into almost all caches and they seem to be popular among cachers.


I am proud to say that I have served my country in the US Air Force, so to show that I place Air Force Airplanes in caches. Sometimes I get multi packs and they have Airplanes from other branches of the military and go ahead and place them in caches as well. icon_cool.gif


A Kentucky coffee tree seed. Been carrying them in my pockets off and on since high school. Sort of a good-luck item I guess. After a while they can polish up fairly shiny. icon_biggrin.gif


-- If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. If life is less kind, grow mushrooms.


We're starting to leave CDs with live Grateful Dead and Phish shows as our signature items...now that I upgraded the hard drive and have room again.


The instructions on the CD request that the finder copy it and pass it on to another cache. Don't know how often that will happen, but they're cheap to make. Each disc has a printed lable with the show info, track info, and the disc number "1 of 3".


Of course, if you want the entire show, you'll just have to visit more caches that we do. Eventually, they'll be trackable on GeoDiscs.com, too.


I was trying to come up with a signature item and was thinking a tire air guage would be nice. Everyone always needs one in their car. The last one I bought was like $1. I looked today at Wal-Mart and the cheapest one was $4. Jeez. Inflation! Well, back to the drawing board!




My brother owns a pet store, so lately I've been leaving hamsters. I mean, who doesn't love a cute little hamster? Now, I don't wan't you to think I'm being cruel or anything - I only leave them in caches with plenty of room, like ammo cans or the larger-sized tupperware.



You are your own worst food


I loved the hampster you left in the cache by the creek. Glad we got there before the weather got bad. My sister wants one too. So we will be looking for another cache with one in it. Next time we will try to get there within a day or two cause it looked real happy to get out.


Ventura Kid and Spider Dude


Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?


Tonsil, I was wondering when you would bring that up. As another cacher in your area, I really had fun finding one of your signature hamsters. This was back in November. He seemed pretty happy to see us, and was a bit lethargic for the first few days, but he's doing fine now. Little Leprechaun named him "Wishes" and his favorite foods are yogurt and sunflower seeds.


I would really encourage Pittsburgh area cachers to follow up on Tonsil's cache finds.... quickly!



If there's no accounting for stupidity, then why do I need to file a tax return?


[This message was edited by The Leprechauns on January 26, 2003 at 09:36 PM.]


I do have to ask about the Hamster thing...


How can you be sure it'll be ok? I mean, how, without contravening the no food rule, or that someone else will come by soon enough to pick one up?


Or am I having my leg pulled real hard?



An it harm none, do what ye will


[This message was edited by Kouros on January 27, 2003 at 03:48 AM.]

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