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Archive or Change Coords?


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Hi y'all, (or, as my southern-born wife has informed me: "ya'll". Go figure.)


Urban Sprawl has started encroaching on my Vid.Ex. cache and it's little patch of woods is now in the midst of some sort of road construction. icon_rolleyes.gif

So, I need to move it.

It's been asked before, but I'll asked again: Is it best to archive Vid.Ex. and create a new VidEx2 cache page, or just update the exisiting page with new coords and a note that it's been moved? I'm leaning toward archiving, since a box of stuff does not a cache make, right?



Originally posted by ApK:

It's been asked before, but I'll asked again: Is it best to archive http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=15131 and create a new VidEx2 cache page, or just update the exisiting page with new coords and a note that it's been moved?


It depends. I lean towards starting a new cache page if you're going to be moving it a significant distance from the current cache location. If it's just a few feet away then keep the same page.


The reasoning is if it is a different location then it'll be a new experience for all the area cachers and with a new cache page, they can go log another find with no qualms.


We chose to archive Park 150 when it got too wet in the area and repost Park 150 Once Removed as a new cache although the container and much of the contents remained the same. We think it's the search that counts, not the goodies at the end.

Jon & Miki


I say archive the current cache, and just create a new one once you place it elsewhere. I was wondering how long it would last over there now that they have started all the construction. Looking forward to finding it again in its new home, wherever that winds up being.


I agree with the others, even though it seems I'm not following my own advice. My 'good fortune' cache was attempted by a few people but not found. The area it was in was not conducive to the theme of the cache, so although I've completely changed the description and location I've not archived it. Only one person was able to find it's old location so I didn't think it warranted a re-post. If a few people had found it, I'd re-post so that they could re-find it properly.


King Pellinore


Originally posted by King Pellinore:

King Pellinore


Okydoky, then...off to find Videx a new home.


Hey King, howcum you don't respond to my emails? We just had an IT job open up and we're soliciting resumes!

Originally posted by ApK:

Hi y'all, (or, as my southern-born wife has informed me: "ya'll". Go figure.)


She's Right!



Hahaha only a Southerner knows.


Truthfully though I have seen it both ways.


The KGB guy.gif


Maybe we should start a new thread called "Y'all or Ya'll". I've always thought it was y'all because it's a contraction of "you all". Websters agrees with me. But, ya'll are still invited for supper.


I just discovered my Borg Woods cache has been stolen icon_confused.gif (theres evidence of a lot of drinking in the area, so i think I know what happened... the wind triggered the rube goldberg geocahing machine, and some idiot with a beer found it & walked off with it... sigh icon_mad.gif )


any how I was wondering the same question, basically figured exactly what everyone else here was suggesting, so I know I ahd the right idea. Thanks for all the feedback this post has received. Course, i found a cool spot not 5 feet away from the original, hell I could probably leave the coordinates as they are.... icon_wink.gif


Then again I probably will move it deeped into the woods & farther off the trail...


Team Gwho



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