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Segregating Caches.

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I have been doing this for almost a year now. I’m glad there seems to be a movement towards breaking down the cache finds into what types they are. I just found my first virtual cache, and although it was fun, it was very quick & easy.


I then started to look around on the website and found a bunch of aches I could bag in a couple of hours (I can basically take a picture of the flag at work and log the picture & coordinates onto the website and get credit for a find). It does not compare to finding a multi cache that can take a couple of days.


What do you think?


As always, I use this forum to get other people’s opinions.

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Well you bring up two different issues.

Scavenger hunt caches are as interesting and difficult as you make them. Sure you can just take a picture of the flag in front of your work or house. If there's something interesting or historical about it. As for difficulty make them a game. Choose a business, pizza place or whatever, then look for one with a flag. Then post the amount you visited to find it. Same goes for the other scavenger hunts.

As for multi day hunts. I don't care for them. I go out to get out doors. Puzzles are easy for me, taking days to complete one is irritating.

But if that's what it takes to keep this sport interesting for you.


Just have fun.


Preperation, the first law to survival.


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