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Condoms in caches: A good/bad idea?


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This kind of scares me that kids are rooting around in the cache without any adults watching.


Why? Is this not a child-friendly activity? From the caches I've seen, there's nothing "scary." Indeed, the "scariest" thing about unsupervised geocaching is the potential of strangers on a trail. But once we reach the cache, the kids love to "open" and rummage a cache, and chatter excitedly about what they'd like to trade.


Grandmaster Cache

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Since nothing seems to be accomplished from continuing this thread, I'm closing it.


The consensus would be that no, it isn't appropriate to put a condom in a cache. My own personal opinion is that a gesture like this is pointless. As discussed, most find the idea of eating food from a cache repulsive, so I'm sure we can extend that to items you would, ahem, use in this fashion. Also when you consider this a family based activity there doesn't seem to be any sense in it.


Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location™


Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location™

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