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Mapblast stops posting coordinates again!


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The title says it all. I noticed it tonight while planning a trip. Time for an e-mail writing campaign it seems


Wow, two topics in one day. I talk way to much.




As always, the above statements are just MHO.



It seems that jumping off a very tall bridge (perhaps into a dry riverbed) would be a much more efficient way to commit suicide than all the utter stupidity that is MapBlast.com. If I were the CEO over there, I'd live up to my title and start executing already. Sheesh! I think I'm going to nominate them for a "Bonehead of the Day Award" if I can get up the energy to transcribe The Unbelievable History of MapBlast!: How to Kill Your Corporation in Seventeen Thousand Simple Steps. icon_rolleyes.gif


Originally posted by Us 5 Camp:

once the map is displayed, click on 'print', select the color scheme and on the print preview screen that pops up will be your coordinates....


Color scheme??? Where is that?



As always, the above statements are just MHO.


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