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Garmin Etrex Or Geko 201


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Hi, need some advice


Im choosing between getting a garmin etrex or a geko 201 to use with geocaching along with many other things (ham radio included). Are there any big differences (besides size) between the two? Or any other reasons to choose one over the other? Thanks!

Edited by Cybo
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I'd go for the Geko 201. Rumor has it that it is replacing the basic yellow etrex.


I'm thinking about getting one for my APRS rocket payload (to fly in the rocket shown in my avatar), but since I already have the yellow etrex for that task, it's hard to justify.


Biggest technical difference I see is that the Geko has WAAS ability.



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The Etrex Legend and Vista are the best when it comes to size. IT's sooooo small I put it in my front pocket sometimes. If size is a consideration, then I'd go for the Etrex. If value is important the Geko is good.


I would suggest going to a dealer and handling both of them. The Etrex is sooo small...oh did I say that already?


One complaint I have is the Patch antenna. Should have been a Quad Helix, esp. in the Legend and Vista. icon_frown.gif



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I really like my Geko 201. The small screen size isn't a problem because without mapping, there really isn't any display that would require a bigger screen. I like that its smaller than my cell phone. For an entry level unit its the best, IMHO.


Happy Halloween

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Originally posted by Flashaholic:

One complaint I have is the Patch antenna. Should have been a Quad Helix, esp. in the Legend and Vista. icon_frown.gif


Why? Then it would be big, which would defeat the whole idea. Besides, the difference between the two antenna types isn't that great in the field.



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No experience with the Geko model. However, I do have the Etrex Legend. I paid $247 for it a year ago. Now, it sells for $180 at Amazon.com and Garmin has a $50 rebate on it.


I'm using the Mapsource Roads & Recreation software ($79 online).


I've used it for trips and for navagating our boat, especially at night. All the navagational aids are already built-in.


Since the price drop and rebate, two of my coworkers also bought the same model.




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Originally posted by nincehelser:

Originally posted by Flashaholic:

One complaint I have is the Patch antenna. Should have been a Quad Helix, esp. in the Legend and Vista. icon_frown.gif


Why? Then it would be big, which would defeat the whole idea. Besides, the difference between the two antenna types isn't that great in the field.




It makes a big difference in the car. Although the VOrtech Re-Radiator fixes all that.




With Re-Radiator turned OFF inside vehicle:



With Re-Radiator turned ON inside vehicle:



Pictures were taken a few seconds apart after turning on the antenna. Open sky, no obstructions except the vehicle. The vehicle blocks so much signal (as you can see) that an external antenna is a valuable investment if a GPS is used while driving.


RE: Quad Helix vs Patch


I think it makes a huge difference when using under cover such as a vehicle or trees. Quad helix has greater reception angles for better reception in those cases, out in the open I suppose it would not make that much of a difference. The difference is very noticible if you have an Etrex and a Quad-Helix GPS.


Don't get me wrong, the Etrex is great! I use the GPS V or StreetPilot in my vehicle and switch to the Rino 120 or Etrex Vista out of the vehicle.




WAAS really depends on if you can grab the 2 sats. IF your under some cover and you can't get the 2 sats (located near the horizon usually) it's best to turn it off and free up the 2 slots to capture 2 more sat signals. I really haven't noticed any huge difference in accuracy.




[This message was edited by Flashaholic on May 12, 2003 at 11:41 PM.]

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I've recently picked up my first GPS handheld for my cross country flights, and it's the Garmin eTrex Vista. It is amazing, and extremely accurate being WAAS capable. I have had nothing but amazing results with it. I'm not sure if it's in your budget or not but I would highly recomend it.


Never used the gecko so I can't really comment on it.


Good luck!


"I love this GPS thing!"

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You might want to read the many other threads regarding quad-helix vs patch.


Otherwise, we're comparing apples and oranges. A Geko isn't targeted toward navigation on the car dash. Neither is an eTrex for that matter. Arguing that a Geko should have a quad helix is kind of silly.


However, my eTrex units work fine in my car, in just about any location. I usually have mine sitting down in the console between the front seats, and it rarely seems to lose lock. Of course, all cars are different...some have metalic coatings on the glass which hinder reception. Mine is supposedly so equipped, but it might be my sunroof that lets me get a good lock.



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