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eTrex or wait for Geko


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I am in the market for a GPS to use geocaching and as a backup for mountaineering route finding. My question is this: Does anybody know anything about the Geko from Garmin that is due out in February? I don't know if I should go with an e-trex or wait a few weeks and get a geko. Any tips would be much appreciated. Thanks.


I'm looking for the same info actually. Looking for a cheap GPS to use by itself as well as interface to a PC. Anyone know any more about the Geko 201 than they list on the web site?




about the Geko is it's screen size:

Display: .92" W x 1.44" H


as compared to the eTrex yellow:

Display: 1.1" W x 2.1" H


The Geko is probably the smallest handheld GPS unit out there which is good in some ways, bad in others.


The screen size did not suprise me too much, and one of the things I am really liking is the upcoming turn feature. Anyone see anything besides screen size to make the geko less than, say, an etrex venture.




Ooh, that PanTrack feature looks cool. There have been several times I wished my GPS V had something like that.


Edit: Plus 10000!! trackpoints too !




I could do without the goofy little games. Why does everything have to have some kind of game on it anymore. It was mildy amusing the first time I saw a cellphone with it. Now it is just downright annoying.



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