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Selling a couple of GPS units.....

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I have a couple of GPS receivers I am selling and would like some input as to the best way to do it....I am considering e-bay, but is this is safe way? What should I watch out for there? They are both new, demonstration units, never used out side of the store, but I can't (I don't think)advertise them as "new", because I don't have all the boxes and such, 'cause they got lost at the store. Should I advertise them as "like new"?

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I've sold a couple of times on eBay and had no problems (once to Milan, Italy). The secret is to use PayPal and require that the buyers be "Verified" on PayPal. This means that there is an active bank account and a verified mailing address. It speeds the money transfer and helps to ensure that you are going to get stiffed.


icon_eek.gif Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son!

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I've sold a couple of times on eBay and had no problems (once to Milan, Italy). The secret is to use PayPal and require that the buyers be "Verified" on PayPal. This means that there is an active bank account and a verified mailing address. It speeds the money transfer and helps to ensure that you are going to get stiffed.


icon_eek.gif Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son!

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