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Understanding OSM maps for Garmin Oregon 450

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Hi all,


i have bought a used Garmin Oregon 450 and have some trouble understanding how maps work on the device:


I would love to have 3 Maps available

  - World Basemap

  - Europe high level map (cities, main roads)

  - Sweden/Norway Hiking map


It would be great to use OSM maps as a bases but as I dont have any experience in compiling maps from OSM data i need to use prebuild maps.


A few question:

1. How does map management on the Orgeon work? Is it possible to have different maps for different zoom level. E.g. when zoomed out I see the basemap, fruther in i see the high lvl euopre map and if i zoom in i see the detailed hiking map


2. I found couple of maps (https://www.freizeitkarte-osm.de/garmin/de/nordeuropa.html; https://www.thkukuk.de/osm/). They are hiking maps and quite detailed, which I think makes them extemly slow/unsuable if zoomed out even a little ;)


3. In the example of https://www.thkukuk.de/osm/ they provide a basemap, SRTM Layer map, hiking map. How would i combine those to see everything.


4. Do you know any good (free) World Basemaps and high-lvl (fast) Europe maps.


Or ask differently: How would you get/Organize/transfer maps for my usecase? I'm unfortunately a bit lost.


Thanks a lot

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Luckily there are OSM maps already compiled for you. All you need to do is download and install on the device / SD card.

You have a few options for mapping. The one I like best is OpenTopoMap at garmin.opentopomap.org. There you can get street maps and contours for any region of interest.
The other option is garmin.bbbike.org which has more visual styles to choose from as well as the ability to make custom mapping areas.

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