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What A Laugh

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Seeing the recent topics about how many caches can be done in a day and Cachers reaching 100 bags I had a thought icon_confused.gif


How long would it take to visit All the caches on mainland U.K. ?


To find the answer I decided to use Rob & Lisa`s Autoroute waypoints. (Thanks Rob & Lisa they are really useful) I entered all the waypoints into Autoroute, at that time a total 523 caches and asked it to optimise the stops to find the quickest route, starting and finishing at Cardiff.


108 hours later - Yes 4 and a half days later it came up with the answer, 260 hours 55 minutes driving and 7421.1 miles icon_eek.gif


Just goes to show how much time it must take to do 100 caches and to do them all would be nearly impossible.



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I wonder how long it would take if you added a "stop" time to each cache to see how long it would take if you actually went to each box.


Do you think an average of 30 minutes per cache would do it, or maybe just 20 minutes.


That makes about another 200 hours on top. Then add 75 hours for tea breaks and pee breaks. I reckon you could do it in a month.


What about it Dan & Pid?

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I think Island Race has potential so dont knock it.


It is just a tad impractical for anyone to do. But give us some credit we were newbies then and admittedly were unsure what lengths cachers would go to....unfortunatly...shall we say "Estimated it slightly wrong...."


If we get more feedback though it could still happen.


Pid xx


[This message was edited by Pid on May 20, 2002 at 11:28 AM.]

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Originally posted by Pid:I think Island Race has potential so dont knock it.


This isn't intended as critism, but an observation. I think I'm qualified to comment about this having just finally completed the GYCH event cache. My pearl of hard won wisdom is that organisers of any form of organised geocaching should think carefully about the amount of time they need to spend planning such thing, as chuffer and myself spent several weeks of time turning an crazy idea into the final product. The planning was worth it as everything seemed to go well and people enjoyed themselves, but even with all that investment in planning, scouting the locations, doing the preparation etc I still managed to make a few mistakes (everyone that was there will understand the new significance mushroom has taken on for me). You can get away with the odd mistake, but if you make more than a few the entire experience is tainted for the people taking part.

Island race could certainly work, but you might find yourself doing very little at the weekend for many weeks prior to it, to ensure it all falls into place. And, after all that work you have the uncertaincy over if anybody will come. It's OK if nobody comes to a cache for a while after it is placed, but for an event cache you really do need to know some numbers to work out if it's worth the effort. But, if anybody else does want to do something like this I'm happy to share some the benefits of my experience.



Don't mention the mushrooms


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Originally posted by dylanhayes:


TMy pearl of hard won wisdom is that organisers of any form of organised geocaching should think carefully about the amount of time they need to spend planning such thing

I second this. I estimate that el10t and I spent at least 20 hours putting together the Winchester Cachers' Hunt and that was just a measley set of questions all within a radius of about 0.5 miles - nowhere near as ambitious as the GYCH or the Island Race.


Even then we made several mistakes:

1. one of the numerical clues was omitted

2. one of the photo clues disappeared between the dry run and the actual hunt.

3. One question was ambiguous.

4. There were too many questions

5. The hunt ended on an exposed hillside instead of inside a warm pub.




The second ten million caches were the worst too.

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