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Add to list feature not working


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I have been trying to add puzzle caches to a list I made up some time ago and seem to not be able too now. Every time recently since the last few weeks it is the only list I have coming up with a Red Circled !  . I cannot add any more to it and have less than the half of the most allowed caches in this list. Haven't made up any cache list for some time now either. Although I use chrome, which doesn't work. I have tried Microsoft edge and Firefox, which don't work either and this is only one that it shows up on out of many that I do have. Any reason for this or how to fix it?


If you mean your "Unknown Puzzles Solved," then the issue is that it is at the maximum number of items allowed (1000). When you say that you "have less than the half of the most allowed caches in this list," I think you are mistakenly referring to the indicator showing how many of the items in the list you have found.


Crap, never thought of looking threw the pages to see if it was full to 1000. So, the 481 is what I found? Or, would this include caches not archived in the list?


Looks like I need to get started on a 2nd list, Thanks

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