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Members only caches


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Interesting to see the first members only geocache appear in New Zealand. I wonder what the reaction of the locals will be?


Could we e-mail the placer and politely request it be made available to everybody in true kiwi spirit? Will some members boycott it? Will a member plunder it? I guess time will tell. Personally I was hoping it would never happen, but I guess it was inevitable. In any case it will be interesting to see how people react to it.

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Originally posted by tgsnoopy:

Interesting to see the first members only geocache appear in New Zealand. I wonder what the reaction of the locals will be?


Could we e-mail the placer and politely request it be made available to everybody in true kiwi spirit? Will some members boycott it? Will a member plunder it? I guess time will tell. Personally I was hoping it would never happen, but I guess it was inevitable. In any case it will be interesting to see how people react to it.


It sure will be interesting. I had only intended to keep it members only for two weeks, now I am not so sure. icon_mad.gif


Like yourself, I have had more than $60 worth of fun from this website.




See, I told you I could find it!

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Well, you could take what I said that way.


However, most Kiwis are generous people, my feelings on the subject of members only caches are no secret, and I know I'm not alone in feeling that way.


A simple comment in here pointing out you intentions to only have it members only for two weeks would most likely have prevented any comments from anyone. You are quite entitled to do as you please, but I ask you not to keep it members only because of my comments, I'm sorry if I've offended you.


I fully expect a flaming from higher powers that be for my comments, but some poor Kiwi had to be the ginea pig and try the facility out, good on you for having the courage to do so.


Please be aware that there are a number of active cachers in NZ who are placing caches that aren't members. Would it be fair to them to visit their caches, whilst preventing them from visiting yours? Food for thought, but thats the reason I'm not supportive of members only caches. Your members only for the first two weeks sounds like a good compromise.


Have a nice weekend icon_smile.gif


(edit from 3 back to 2 weeks, to correct my mistake)


[This message was edited by tgsnoopy on November 16, 2002 at 02:43 PM.]

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Well er ah um I can't anymore!


It was this cacheLittleLevy (Canterbury)


I should have logged out and seen if it was actually visible whilst it was a members only cache. I'm not sure if you would have been able to see it, or if it was visible without you being able to see the details or quite what the story was.


Brent has now made it a free for all cache, rather than a members only cache. Thanks for that, I for one really appreciate that, and I'm sure others will too. icon_biggrin.gif

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Yes, I would have to agree, however it is one of the concerns voiced when the charter memberships started some time ago.


I have received e-mails asking me to remove that from my original message (amoungst the flamings), people seem concerned I was implying I thought that the cache should be plundered.


Well, I feel that if someone would do something like that, then they wouldn't need my implied suggestion to go do the dirty deed. I think the whole bunch of NZ cachers is a great bunch, but you never know, do you?


I have received a few e-mails, mostly from cachers who haven't got very many under their belt, it surprised me that the majority don't seem at all concerned about member only caches, as I assume most wouldn't be charter members (not that I've actually looked seriously at it), and subsequently wouldn't be able to see a member only cache.


I will say that I think Brent had a very good idea, setting the cache up for a couple of weeks as member only (with the intention of changing it to available to everyone after those "couple of weeks"). Putting wording to that effect in the caches description would certainly have stopped any comments from me, in fact I would most likely have complimented him on it.


There we have it. I might even consider using that approach myself on an upcoming cache just to show that I do have no ill feeling towards that approach. I'm just sorry I didn't approach Brent before making my comment here, I certainly would have taken a different tact if I'd known all the facts. Once again, Brent please accept my apologies.


What will be interesting, is to see who will post the next members only cache (it might even be me) icon_smile.gif

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Originally posted by tgsnoopy:

I will say that I think Brent had a very good idea, setting the cache up for a couple of weeks as member only (with the intention of changing it to available to everyone after those "couple of weeks"). Putting wording to that effect in the caches description would certainly have stopped any comments from me, in fact I would most likely have complimented him on it.

I think if I ever place a cache with a valuable first finders prize (see the bottom of this cache (I ran into some cachers in Nelson that had hunted this one, that how I know about it)) I would make it a "Member Only" cache until the first person found it - I guess as a reward for supporting the site. Of course I am not a dot com millionaire (yet) so don't hold your breath icon_wink.gif



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Actually it cost a bit more than that, as you use PayPal (I doubt if many (if any at all) Kiwis have existing PayPal accounts), you have to join PayPal, and it costs on top of that. I think when I joined it cost me around $85.00 all up, PayPal did give me a credit when I verified my e-mail address (US$5 from memory), although I doubt I'll be able to use it in a hurry.


I have sent Jeremy an e-mail asking him to look at this situation, and pointed out that it's quite a lot of money for us Kiwi's. Hopefully we will hear directly from him in here. But! and it's a big but, we all have to relaise that it could be a logistical nightmare for him to impliment this, and it could create a problem with lots of other countries that might plead poverty as well. I suppose also he will have to weigh that against the fact that at a lower subscription rate he might get a larger number of subscriptions and hence the same income. Perhaps a lower membership rate will be the answer? Either way, hopefully we will know his decision soon.

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Ok, I obviously aren't going to post the exact reply here, however I can e-mail it to people who I recognise as NZ geocachers, drop me an e-mail tgsnoopy at xtra dot co dot nz if you would like to see it. Basically Jeremy recognises that for most people the US$30 isn't too bad (and I must admit compared to the amount of money I've spent on creating caches or the gas going to place or find caches, it's not that much), but for some people it is quite a lot. He is prepared to compromise. Contact me for details. That should hopefully make everybody happy icon_biggrin.gif.

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