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Android Map is 175 Degrees Off - Samsung S22

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For the past couple of months, if I select Track Up on the Android Geocaching App map, the north pointer immediately deviates as much as 180 degrees off, and wanders. If I select the compass for any cache, the compass works fine. 


Other Geocaching and map Apps work fine for either compass or maps.  The issue exists on the Official Geocaching App, only in the map.  I haven't found compass settings or calibration for this one App, except I tried selecting the setting "Keep map north up", which not only doesn't help, it doesn't do what I expected it to do (that is, the map seems unaffected).


It's the same whether I'm walking or driving, phone held flat or vertical.  But the upside-down map is especially inconvenient while I'm driving.  It seems to be using the magnetic compass even while I'm driving, not a GPS compass function, which I guess is normal.  The compass works, it gets weird only when I select the map.


I tried uninstalling and reinstalling The App.


Samsung S22

App version 9.23.0

Android 13


[EDIT]:  I tried Geooh Go and Locus Maps tonight.  Geooh Go's map wanders at a different angle.  Locus Maps works fine, and it seems to be because it switches automatically from magnetic to GPS compass for heading when the car is moving.  I want the GPS compass while driving, the default setting on a Garmin GPS.  The Official App appears to always be in magnetic compass.  If there's a trick or setting that will fix it in The Official App, let me know.  Geooh Go does the same thing, and also seems to have no particular setting to use GPS compass.


I also unplugged the phone's charging car mount, in case it was interfering with the compass.  It seems like the car interior itself confuses the compass, at least in Map mode. 


Please consider "GPS Compass" as an option in a future version of The App.  That should fix it.



Edited by kunarion
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