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Beni Trophy Challenge - Event Caches.


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This is an Event Cache weekend which will be held in the Central West of New South Wales five hours drive North-west of Sydney.


The Trophy Challenge will either fall on one of the below full-moon weekends. Please submit which weekend would would best suit your team.


(1) - November 1 & 2.

(2) - December 7 & 8.

(3) - December 14 & 15.


Prises are being organised and trophies will include: Overall Champion - Runner up - "Camp fire legend" for the funniest caching story from the weekend and a couple of others. Presentations will be at the BBQ.


This topic is on both Forums - (NSW Forum) in the new forum. The weekend will incorperate 6 caches, each about two hours long. There will be river side camping, a dinner in town and a finale BBQ sunday lunch time.


Our postcode is '2830' - have a look whats on offer!


Bronze. Dubbo - Central Western NSW.



[This message was edited by The Bronze. on October 11, 2003 at 04:21 AM.]

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