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Building WIGs without a Builder


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I want to program a wig by myself without a builder. It is annoying to moving three or more blocks for a simple if-statement instead of writing three Words.

Is there a good tutorial to lean what is required for a Wherigo? And exist a Library with all Wherigo commands?


Greetings from Germany


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I am not aware of any form of documentation to the Wherigo library, nor do I know of any Wherigo-specific guide to the Lua language.

Your best bet is to learn the “vanilla” Lua language, and to use that knowledge to study the source code of existing cartridges.

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...that said, I did just stumble across this (German) website, which seems to provide some useful information. 



Here are a few more websites that I’ve found useful for developing cartridges. 

 - http://wiki.wherigofoundation.com/index.php?title=Wherigo_(Class), which is frustratingly minimal.
 - (will add more once I’m on a computer)

Edited by Hügh
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When I learned, I would do something in Groundspeak’s builder, saved the cartridge, and reopened it in a text editor and looked at the statement. Because of that, my current way of building cartridges is by creating objects using the builder (it’s faster) and then writing out the game logic in notepad, frequently saving and reloading the builder as a way to validate my syntax. 

My Cacher Pursuit cartridge is very clean, so you could look at that one. I did a Tetris one, but it’s the only cartridge of mine that’s not open source because player apps don’t refresh or display zones in such a way as to make this viable, so I don’t want others creating cartridges off this and frustrating those trying to play it. 

The most challenging thing is creating the save and restore functionality in a custom cartridge when it deals with heavy zone manipulation and slightly complex data structures.  It’s not impossible—it just takes work.

Anyway, learning this is mostly trial and error. While I made Whack-A-Lackey while learning, its source code is messier than my more recent cartridges. And I was trying to find out if something like that was even possible. These days, we have a better grasp on the limits. 

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