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First Travel Bug

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Hi all, this is my first post as we have recently started out in our local area of North Norfolk. My boys, 6 and 3 are loving being able to hunt for 'treasure' when we are out on our family walks and we would like to leave our first trackable.


Both my boys are mad on Steam Trains so i have one of their wooden brio trains which they want to paint in their own design and i have the travel bug tags to place on it. Before i proceed I would just like to put my idea out there to make sure I do it right so I do not have two disappointed boys at home!!


1 - Upon activating the travel bug I place it in an existing Cache location in a weatherproof container which i will mark 'Travel Bug'

2 - Inside container i will leave the train attached to the tag with the code, a laminated travel bug instruction setting out what we want to achieve, a pencil and a folded bit of paper so people can log their names and where it has been.


My plan is to leave the container at an existing cache close to our North Norfolk Railway and for it to travel round other to other heritage railways in the UK before finding its way back to the North Norfolk Railway.


Is there anything else that anyone would recommend i do?


Many Thanks :) 






Hi Rob,


You seem to be combining elements of a trackable with an actual cache.


3 hours ago, RobHenry82 said:

the train attached to the tag with the code, a laminated travel bug instruction setting out what we want to achieve

This is perfect - particularly the statement of the TB’s mission.  You could place it all in ziploc bag for a bit of added protection, but it does not need to be in its own container.  (Anything too big might actually put off potential ‘carriers’.)


You can then place the TB in any cache big enough to hold it.  As you know, you’ll need to activate the TB first; then you’ll need to ‘drop’ it into the cache (using either the website or the app).


A word of warning...  A lot of trackables do go missing, so enjoy monitoring its travels while it is in play, but be prepared for that disappointment.  Sorry!


Good luck.

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Hi all revisiting this after a good morning geocaching with my youngest who is now 7! 

would like to start this at our local heritage railway where there are no existing geocaches. 

would I be wise in approaching them to see if they would be happy with me installing a cache somewhere on their premises and then leave the travel bug within the cache? It shouldn’t take up too much room. 

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On 10/6/2024 at 10:52 PM, RobHenry82 said:

Hi all revisiting this after a good morning geocaching with my youngest who is now 7! 

would like to start this at our local heritage railway where there are no existing geocaches. 

would I be wise in approaching them to see if they would be happy with me installing a cache somewhere on their premises and then leave the travel bug within the cache? It shouldn’t take up too much room. 


If you want to place a cache somewhere on their premises with permission then it should be somewhere that is accessible 24/7, I believe there are guidelines that new caches cannot require finders to pay an entrance fee or interact with staff in a business (someone correct me if I'm wrong, and I don't know if the heritage railway counts as a business) so perhaps somewhere just outside the premises would be a good idea. Or perhaps somewhere a short distance away where there is a good view of the premises and the trains going by.


Contacting a local cache reviewer (the person who approves local caches and who will have the first log on a cache saying "publish listing") would be a good idea. Tell them your ideas for the cache and ask if they are acceptable or if they can recommend any changes be made.


If you do wish to approach the railway then this guide from the Geocaching Association of Great Britain might be of interest https://www.gagb.org.uk/getting-permission.php#gsc.tab=0


From your profile it looks like you haven't found any Travel Bugs yet? As IceColdUK suggests, putting the TB in its own box is unnecessary and the bigger a TB is the less likely it is to be moved on (smaller TBs are easier to carry and will fit in more caches). If you go along to geocaching events you are likely to see a few travel bugs and get an idea for what items are used and what gets attached to them. You mention you are close to the North Norfolk Railway and the geocaching map shows some event caches in Cromer and Sheringham.


As has also been mentioned, trackables can go missing so be prepared for that to happen, you can always release another one with the copy tag if you think one is gone for good.

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