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Oregon 700: cursor at map does not change to right position

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I am using an Oregon 700 with a OSM-map. When I am driving in my car and navigating using de O700 AND I have the dashboard on geocaching, the cursor stays at the same place. It does not point out the place I am. As soon as I click on the little triangle to hide the dashboard, the cursor moves to the right spot on the map.

Does anyone knows why? And more important does anyone knows how to fix this?


I have already tried another map from freizeitkarte.de: the problem was the same.

Posted (edited)

Which firmware version is your Oregon 7x0 running?


If you see a 'Back Arrow' at the bottom left of the Map Page, you have to press it to return the map to auto-scroll.





Edited by Atlas Cached
1 hour ago, Peperkoek said:

I am using firmware 4.70.

The problem occurs when there is no back-arrow



Going to need more detailed information as I can not duplicate this issue with my Oregon 7x0 v4.70.


Are you navigating to a destination? What destination?


What are your other map and navigation settings?


Can you post a video of this behavior on the device?


Thank You!




I'm also running v4.70. Yes, there is something strange going on with v4.70. Map updates are slow at times, my location is sometimes off the screen because the map hasn't updated itself. Also hitting the North Up icon may cause the Dashboard chevron to disappear. I'd have to swipe away from that page and come back to that page to restore the dashboard chevron icon and/or toggle the North Up icon. Very frustrating.

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