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CITO Calendar doesn't show all CITOs


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3 hours ago, Delta68 said:

CITO Calendar doesn't show all CITOs


For example, https://coord.info/GC834DT is on the 16th of March, doesn't show on the CITO calendar page but does show on the Event Calendar page

There's a CITO calendar? Who knew? :laughing:


I've never seen that page before, or seen it mentioned here in the forums. I can't tell if it's something new, or something super old that isn't being maintained anymore. Whatever the case, it seems to be woefully incomplete. According to that calendar, there are only 2 CITOs in the US and none in Canada for the entire month of March, which is most certainly wrong. I know of one CITO in each country within spitting distance of home that aren't shown on the calendar.

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